Expanded Race & Performance Expo Returns To Chicagoland Feb. 25-26

For those in the Midwest where Old Man Winter still has his blustery cold and snowy grip with seemingly no end in sight, it’s still a couple of months until the ovals and quarter miles in the heart of America swing their gates open for another season of racing. And that means it’s high time for racers to get those last-minute essential parts and racing gear before spring. And what better place to buy than direct from manufacturers, where you can check out, try, and discuss the products directly with those who design, manufacture, and sell them?

On February 25-26, the Race & Performance Expo returns to St. Charles, Ill. – this year expanded to encompass two buildings at the beautiful Pheasant Run Resort.

The Mega center at Pheasant Run will once again house the eve-growing Race & Performance Expo, featuring displaying exhibitors from many of the top names in the racing and aftermarket industry, from Edelbrock, Auto Meter, and Comp Cams to Steve Schmidt Race Engines, Hurst Shifters, and B&M – plus many, many more. Differing from other performance aftermarket shows in the industry, the Race & Performance expo is open to all high performance enthusiasts, allowing what organizers describe at the true grass roots racer, engine, or chassis builder to meet one-on-one with manufacturers and distributors for the parts they need and the questions they’d like to ask.

The DuPage building, meanwhile, will be hosting the Circle Track Expo, bringing together exhibitors the likes of JR Motorsports, Allstar Performance, Roush-Yates Engines, Moroso, and many others for Late Models, Sprint Cars, Modifieds, Midgets, and more.

In addition to manufacturers and distributors, a number of tracks and sanctioning bodies will be present to answer questions, educate potential racers, and get those racers signed up. The Race & Performance Expo will also feature 30 high schools going head-to-head in the Hot Rodders of Tomorrow Engine Challenge, featuring intense and entertaining competition culminating in victory and a trip to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas for the competition finale later this year.

Along with a number of informative seminars, providing expert knowledge of performance driving and safe driving skills, advanced track driving techniques, cylinder head and intake porting techniques, and much more.


  •  Performance Driving & Safe Driving Skills
  • Advanced Track Driving Techniques
  • Suspension Power: Tools You Can Use to Go Faster
  • Addressing fuel compatibility concerns with the right hose
  • The Science of Sealing
  • Performance Cooling 101 – Don’t get Beat by the Heat
  • Cylinder Head and Intake Manifold Porting Techniques

This year’s Race & Performance Expo, a one-of-a-kind consumer and trade show, will feature over 300 booths and more then 200 manufacturers and motorsports retailers, hosting over 10,000 hardcore racers, street performance enthusiasts, engine builders, and fabricators. Within the more than 200 exhibitors who are slated to be at the show will be Performance Retailers providing the products you need there and then, so bring your wallet.

The Hot Rodder's of Tomorrow Engine Challenge is always an exciting show to watch on Sunday.

The Race & Performance Expo began in 2008 and a huge success from the very beginning, drawing exhibitors and attendees from across the country in its first two years on its way to becoming the largest High Performance Expo of its kind in the Midwest.

The 2012 Race & Performance Expo and Circle Track Expo will be held Saturday and Sunday, February 25-26 at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Ill. On the Race & Performance Expo website, you’ll find a complete listing of show times, vendors, floor layout, maps, and additional show information. Admission to the show is just $10, and the parking is free. Mark your calendars, bring your walking shoes, and come ready to buy!

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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