Fight Heat And Noise With DEI’s ATAC Spray On Coating

Nobody wants to be excessively hot while driving their high-performance vehicle. Design Engineering Inc. (DEI) developed its ATAC liquid coating to help combat heat and noise. The ATAC liquid coating was only available in one-gallon sized containers, but now DEI has a smaller and more versatile aerosol can version.

The ATAC coating is designed to be used on unfinished automotive interiors. It reflects heat up to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. This coating is non-toxic and water soluble for easy cleanup. DEI created the ATAC coating with high-tech ceramic sphere technology that helps to dampen noise and vibration too.

ATAC coating is great for street/strip cars that aren’t super concerned about weight and still need to be comfortable to drive. The coating will help keep engine bay heat, exhaust heat, and environmental heat under control while you’re in the car. This translates to a much more comfortable ride to and from the track or when you just want to talk your car for a cruise.

“Based on the resounding success of the ATAC liquid coating in the one-gallon size, it made sense for us to offer a smaller aerosol version for consumers that want the benefits of ATAC heat and sound control, but for spot jobs vs. coating their entire interior. Bringing the ATAC coating to an aerosol format allows our customers to achieve professional-grade results with minimal effort,” said Mike Buca, Brand Manager at Design Engineering Inc. “This product addresses the growing demand for accessible, efficient, and effective solutions for both heat and sound management in one, without the need for specialized equipment.”

You can learn more about DEI’s ATAC Spray-on Coating right here on the company’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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