Find The Perfect Lubricants With New Online Tool From Red Line Oil

Let’s face it, choosing the right oil for your car or truck can be quite a task. With so many different brands, blends, and levels of viscosities, it’s enough to make one’s head spin. And for those of us in the high performance arena who want to get the most out of our machines and pair it with the absolute correct oil, it adds an even trickier element to the selection. Well, the folks at Red Line Oil are attempting to change that, with the launch of their new web-based Application Guide that was showcased at the recent SEMA Show in Las Vegas and assists in selecting the perfect lubricants for engines, transmissions, differentials, and more.

To access the tool visit Red Line Oil and click the “Application Guide” tab, or click here to visit the tool directly.

Red Line Synthetic Oil Corp. spent several years gathering information to form a vehicle database that now comprises this easy-to-use tool that features over 200,000 North American vehicle applications. To find the right oil for your ride, you simply plug your car or truck’s year, make, and model and the tool recommends the best Red Line products for the job. In addition to motor oils, users can also plug in the same information along with the engine and transmission to display results for Red Line ATF, manual transmission gear oil, differential gear oil, fuel additives, and coolant additives.

“Many enthusiasts and technicians know that Red Line has the best variety of product for their application, but some don’t know which of our products to use,” says Red Line Director of Sales and Marketing Cameron Evans. “This online guide is easy to use, detailing the exact products to protect and perform in their vehicle. Comparing the OEM data and building our database has been a massive project, but we are adding even more vehicles and refining the detailed info daily. Special thanks to Gigi Ho and her team at Digital Performance for their SPEEDcat and SPEEDgate data cataloging tools, as well as to Cie Studios, that develops and maintains our website. They helped us to make this a reality.”

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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