Flaming River Rocks (and Racks) The (Engine) Cradle

Listen, if you’re running factory-style power steering and you don’t mind “plussing” your ride with a couple creature comforts, you’re doing yourself a heck of a disservice. Nine times out of ten, your factory power steering box is sloppy, possibly leaking and worse off, potentially prone to future failure. While we won’t harp on the obvious safety side of a rack and pinion system, we would like to show you what you’re missing.

Flaming River’s award-winning rack and pinion cradle kits do a lot more than just improve your car’s handling and steering responsiveness. Due to Flaming River’s unique welded steel cradle is much more than just a regular old mounting bracket. With adjustable mounts, the cradle allows you to reposition the rack and pinion to better optimize your rack’s positioning.

Sure, rack and pinions are lighter than your factory steering box and offer improved response and driving feel, but the cradle is so stout, it actually serves as a lower cross brace while also supporting the rack. Made completely in the USA, each Flaming River rack and cradle is tailored for your specific make and model. At this year’s SEMA, Flaming River unveiled its first generation A-Body kit as well as its C2 and C3 kits.

  • Better steering responsiveness while maintaining a full turning radius
  • No frame removal, cutting or fabrication
  • Adjustable for maximized positioning

About the author

Kevin Shaw

Kevin Shaw is a self-proclaimed "muscle car purist," preferring solid-lifter camshafts and mechanical double-pumpers over computer-controlled fuel injection and force-feeding power-adders. If you like dirt-under-your-fingernails tech and real street driven content, this is your guy.
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