Flowmaster Offers More HP for 6.1 SRT8 LX-Mopars

Photo ©Linda Hendricks-Barker/HEMEEE

All gearheads want the most from their performance cars, from classic musclecar owners to even today’s import tuner owners, and the HEMI-powered LX-based crowd is no exception!

Flowmaster realizing this, has recently added a low-restriction, stainless steel catback exhaust system to their catalog for the 6.1L LX cars; the Dodge Charger, Magnum, and the Chrysler 300C.  While these SRT8 beasts pack 425hp from the factory, most of their owners are looking to increase the power and performance, while also giving their ride a much improved growl over the factory-installed unit.

The Flowmaster kit #817498 features 409S stainless steel piping for maximum durability, patented Scavenger Flow x-pipe for improved mid-range torque, a set of Super-Flow 40-series mufflers with what Flowmaster likes to call Delta-Flow technology, and a nice set of stainless exhaust tips.

Flowmaster exhaust SRT8

The kit bolts right up to your stock catalytic converters and has an OEM quality fit and finish, in fact, the tips fit perfectly inside the rear bumper openings so much so, that they look like they were installed there from the factory! The improved sound and performance is worth the price of admission alone, as you can see in the video below:

As you can see and hear from the video, we’re not talking any jive. The sound of the 6.1L HEMI is greatly improved, and if you ask me, should’ve been there from the factory. As you can see from the provided dyno graph, horsepower and torque was improved throughout the power range and torque curve, while peak results saw about a 5% increase on both ends of the scale. Though that may not sound like much, an increase of 15hp and 15 ft lbs. at the wheels on an otherwise stock vehicle is good in anyone’s book!

So what if you don’t own an SRT8-powered LX car? Don’t worry, because Flowmaster has you covered! Flowmaster has been in business since 1983, and if you need a high-performance exhaust for anything from your Sprint Car to you RV, Flowmaster makes it.

About the author

Rick Seitz

Being into cars at a very early age, Rick has always preferred GM performance cars, and today's LS series engines just sealed the deal. When he's not busy running errands around town in his CTS-V, you can find him in the garage wrenching on his WS6 Trans Am, or at the local cruise spots in his Grand National.
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