Fragola Performance Systems Launches New Souped-Up Website

If you’ve got the need for speed, then you’ve also got the need for quality fluid transfer hoses and fittings. Now you can feed both of those needs at Fragola Performance Systems all new website.

There’s no doubt that you’re already familiar with Fragola Performance Systems and their top-quality fluid transfer fittings and hoses, but Fragola recently launched an all-new website with tons of new features and information to help them better serve their customers.  

Fragola’s new site offers two easy and convenient ways for customers and dealers to shop their fittings. The first way allows online shoppers to browse Fragola’s hoses and fittings by size, series, construction material, fitting angle, and even sealing method. The second way is to download the PDF version of their extensive catalog for convenient viewing right on your home computer. Fragola’s Jeff Stacy tells us, “We now have a dealer login for existing customers where they can place orders and check prices, as well as a search function that will allow them to search by both keyword and part number.”

Fragola's new website is aimed at helping customers and dealers find and order exactly what they need, exactly when they need it.

In addition to a simplified shopping experience, the new Fragola website also offers customers opportunities to learn more about Fragola Performance Systems and their top-quality American-made fittings and hoses, as well as to hear about new products.

“The new website will allow for much faster communication with our customers,” says Stacy. “They will be able to check prices and make orders when we are closed, as well as hear about our new products through posted press releases. We also have our new website and Facebook page linked for even better communication with our customers.” For more info on all that Fragola Performance Systems offers for your race car or hot rod check out their all-new website, or give them a call at (866) 337-2739.  

About the author

Clifton Klaverweiden

Clifton has been a car fanatic since his late teens, when he started the restoration of his '67 Camaro. He considers himself a student of automotive science and technology, and particularly loves all things LSX. And, although he has an appreciation for everything, from imports to exotics, his true passion will always be for GM musclecars.
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