Generational Horsepower: This Oldsmobile 442 Is A Family Heirloom

If your dad had a cool car growing up, chances are you developed a special bond with that machine. Those impressionable years could have been filled with time in the garage, cruises to car shows, or trips to the track. Memories that are tied to a special car never go away and usually lead to an automotive addiction.

Tony Politano grew up riding in, and working on his dad’s 1970 Oldsmobile 442. The car became a part of the family in 1981 when Tony was just three years old. Tony’s dad began modifying the car to go faster and the rest is history. Over the years, the Oldsmobile was a fixture at local cruise and street racing spots. In 1992, the car went through a phase of upgrades and improvements to make it even more lethal on the street or strip.

The Oldsmobile’s original engine, rearend, and transmission are still around, but they’re just not in the car. A rather rowdy 455 cubic-inch mill is now nestled in between the fenders of the Oldsmobile. This engine is packed with plenty of good parts and tricks to maximize how much power it makes. A set of Edelbrock Performer RPM cylinder heads rest on top of the engine, along with a Torquer intake, and 1,000 cfm carburetor. A built TH350 transmission backs the big-block mill. On motor, the Oldsmobile will run in the 10.80s at the strip. When Tony turns on the nitrous, the 442 rips down the track in 10.38 seconds at over 127 mph.

To this day, Tony and his father still take the Oldsmobile for long drives, but this time it’s Tony behind the wheel. You’ll want to watch this entire video from Hot Rod Heaven where Host Austin Collins gets all the details about this family-built ride. Tony talks about the history of the Oldsmobile, what they’ve done to the car, and future plans they have for it.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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