Grab Yourself 800-Plus Horses With BluePrint’s 632ci BBC Crate Motor

For many enthusiasts, building an engine from the ground-up can be quite a daunting undertaking, and custom mills from any of the hundreds of engine builders out there can become expensive in a hurry. With so many manufacturers and companies producing reliable high performance crate engines with top flight components at an affordable price, it gives consumers a great option for turnkey engines that arrive at your doorstep, saving time, money, and headaches.

At SEMA, Blueprint Engines showcased one of the most popular crate engines in their catalog, the 632 cubic inch Pro Series Big Block Chevrolet that’s been a hit with the muscle car and street rod arena. Based around a World Products Merlin III block, this powerplant features a fully forged rotating assembly from Scat with chromoly pistons, Brodix aluminum cylinder heads, a custom-ground COMP camshaft, MSD distributor, an Edelbrock Super Victor intake topped with an AED-prepped four-barrel Dominator carburetor, and a Milodon oil pan. This combination of professionally-prepared components equates to an engine that produces a staggering 815 horsepower and 800 ft-lbs of torque: enough juice to get your ride to it’s intended destination in a hurry and put a big smile on your face at the same time.

  • Produces 815 horsepower and 800 ft-lbs of torque
  • Based around a World Products Merlin III block
  • Intended for muscle cars, street rods, and other road-going vehicles
  • Features fully forged rotating assembly

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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