Hemmings Find: 1962 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk. II TriCarb

Everyone wishes their favorite “dead” brand could be revived and restored to its former glory. Maybach, AMC, Saab, and more seemed to come to an unfortunate end, and perhaps we could’ve seen some more incredible ideas come from these companies before their untimely demise.

Alternatively, if you subscribe to the Marilyn Monroe view of life–die young and leave a beautiful corpse–then closing the doors on an operation saves it from wearing out its welcome. Maybe that’s the way we should look at Austin-Healey and models like this one (ad no. 1667491), the 3000 Mark II.

The 3000 was a descendant of the 100 line, starting with the 100 in 1953, and later succeeded by the 100-6 in 1956. From 1959 to 1967, just under 43,000 of these third-generation “big” roadsters were produced, making them rare and collectible in the world today. And of those tens of thousands, 11,564 are the Mark II like the car seen here.

The triple-carb setup on this 3000 makes this rare gem even more appealing.

The Mark II came about in the spring of 1961, and showed improvements with a three-carb setup and a redesigned cam. However, the tri-carb design was found to be difficult to balance with the 3000’s C-series inline-six, and was dropped in March of 1962. No doubt this has affected how the above car has been priced.

Other noteworthy features about this two-tone teal roadster include its numbers-matching status, rust-free restoration, and Gold level certification from the Austin-Healey Concours Registry, putting to rest any worries the buyer may have about condition and authenticity. All this culminates for an asking price of $59,750, which might take the wind out of your sails, but that’s the price of admission when it comes to joining the Austin-Healey club in style.

About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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