Jeff Lutz Shakes Down The New ‘Evil Twin’ 1957 Chevy In Oklahoma

Much has been said and discussed in recent months about the incredible “Evil Twin” 1957 Chevrolet that well-known drag racer and Drag Week frontrunner Jeff Lutz constructed last season in an effort to put it to the Unlimited Class racers in the future, and the day where we see what this road-going beast truly has in it drawing ever-closer.

Lutz and his crew had the new ’57 out at the Thunder Valley Raceway Park in Oklahoma last week for some shakedown runs along with Outlaw 10.5 racer Mike Murillo and the “Street Outlaws’ gang in what we believe to be one of the first on-track tests of the car that is a virtual clone to the original ’57 that Lutz has made famous over the years for its impressive low seven-second runs at Drag Week that kept perennial champion Larry Larson on his toes.

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Lutz made several hits at Thunder Valley — most of them to half track or just beyond — with improvements in the early part of the run with each successive pass. The team hasn’t divulged any numbers, but given the monstrous 632 cubic inch big powerplant and the twin turbochargers that power this thing, the whole world is expecting mid six-second runs at eel over 200 miles per hour when the car is truly set on kill.

We don’t know about those of you reading this, but this clip just has our anticipation level just a little higher for this year’s Drag Week battle royale.

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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