Ken Block Tribute: Cars & Legacy at Petersen Museum

Ken Block Tribute: Cars & Legacy at Petersen Museum

A new exhibit will honor the late motorsports star Ken Block. The Petersen Automotive Museum announced the display. “People’s Champ: The Impact of Ken Block” opens on February 15. Located in the museum’s Meyer Gallery, it will run through October 2025.

This collection shows Block’s career. Visitors can view cars from his viral “Gymkhana” videos. Personal and race cars are also included. The exhibit has photos and items from Block’s life.

Block became a five-time X Games medalist. He raced in Rally and RallyCross events. Also, he is one of only four Americans to score points in the top level of the World Rally Championship.

Ken Block also created the Hoonigan brand. A company that represents a lifestyle for car fans. Prior to that he co-founded DC Shoes, an action sports apparel company that grew into a global brand.

There’s also the 43 Institute, which Ken Block started. An institute that provided grants, mentorships, and connections to individuals that love action, sports, motorsports, and creative arts.

The exhibit features cars like the 1965 Ford Mustang RTR “Hoonicorn.” This car was in “Gymkhana SEVEN,” “Gymkhana TEN,” and “Climbkhana.” Another is the 2022 Porsche 911 SVRSR “Hoonipigasus.” Block built it for the 2022 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb.

Other cars include two Subaru Impreza WRX STI vehicles. A 2005 model was in “Gymkhana: Practice (or Gymkhana ONE).” A 2008 version was in “Gymkhana TWO.” Visitors can see a classic 1994 Ford Escort RS Cosworth WRC “Cossie V2.” Also on view is a 1978 Ford Escort, Block’s first Ford rally car.

Museum Executive Director Terry L. Karges spoke about Block. He said Block changed motorsports and caught attention. He said that the exhibit will celebrate Block’s effect on the automotive industry.

Lucy Block, Ken’s wife, also offered comments. Lucy called the exhibit a way to honor Ken’s legacy. She said it shows his impact on car culture. It carries on the chances that drove his work.

The museum will work with 43 Institute. They will honor National Ken Block Day on April 3 and a large car show will happen on Saturday, April 5. Events will also occur that week.

More information about the exhibit will be available soon. Tickets and details are available at Stay tuned if you want to be part of honoring a legend in the car industry.

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