Large Bust In Southern California To Stop Illegal Street Racing

2Early on Monday morning, a few dozen people had their week ruined, as they were arrested in what Police are calling one of the biggest street racing busts in South Los Angeles. Officials said that California Highway Patrol officers worked in conjunction with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies in the operation that took place on Broadway Avenue near Rosecrans.

We’re told that while investigators were surveying the area from a helicopter, they witnessed several street races in Compton, Carson, and Rancho Dominguez. Later that evening (around 12:30 a.m.), the groups then converged on Broadway Ave. It was then that authorities blocked off two intersections to trap the 250-300 racers and spectators.

sr01Deputies on the scene estimate that about 44 arrests were made, that 209 citations were issued, and at least 54 vehicles were impounded.

“On behalf of the Highway Patrol and the Sheriff’s Department, I think we feel great,” Deputy Nemeth said. “This was a huge success. I think we prevented a lot of accidents and or possible fatalities. This is an ongoing problem that we hopefully can squash.”

Authorities say that street racing is common on Saturday and Sunday nights in the area.

“The movies, perhaps, increase the number of individuals who want to come out and check it out,” Lt. Jodi Hutak said. “When you have individuals who are very inexperienced in their driving abilities to begin with, and then now they’re trying to do these tricks that others are emulating they put themselves at risk.”

Does this make you think twice about heading out to the public streets to challenge other enthusiasts? When all is said and done, it doesn’t seem worth the risk for those few moments of feigned victory, does it?

About the author

Randy Bolig

Randy Bolig has been working on cars and has been involved in the hobby ever since he bought his first car when he was only 14 years old. His passion for performance got him noticed by many locals, and he began helping them modify their vehicles.
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