Legendary Wants to Keep You (Re)Covered

It’s takes quite a bit of confidence to name your company “legendary,” but there is little doubt that Legendary Auto Interiors lives up to their namesake. For 25 years, Legendary, has been making some of the highest-quality automotive (and motorcycle!) upholster by using the best in materials and making all of their replacement pieces by hand. It’s not just how its made, but the quality control that makes Legendary one of the best there is!

Coined as the “final destination” for quality interior parts and components, Legendary has made a name for itself by providing the best in soft and hard interior parts. Specializing in color-correctness, top-tier materials and long-lasting replacement pieces, Legendary’s products are in fact, legendary.

Now, with licenses from Mopar Authentic Restoration Parts, American Motors and Gm Restoration Parts, Legendary is able to provide replacement restoration parts to nearly every muscle car on the road (except you Blue Oval guys). At this year’s SEMA show, Legendary had their gorgeous ’70 Pontiac GTO convertible on display as well as their all-new ’66 Chevelle and ’70 Monte Carlo door panels.

Of course, if you’re not looking to restore your muscle car’s interior 100-percent back to how it rolled off the factory floor, then hey, that’s OK too. Legendary Auto Interiors is now offering a monster-sized selection of custom patterns, materials, and colors. To your right are a small selection of modified seat covers (ranging from mild to wild, with a 4-4-2 Oldsmobile bucket to a melting-your-cornea-orange tiger-striped GTO bucket seat).

Of course, the customization doesn’t end there. If you’ve got a custom pattern or image that you want imprinted or screened on to your seat covers, Legendary can do that too! Literally, nothing is too crazy, complicated or convoluted for these guys to pull off. But for us, we just like to find a single spot to do our shopping, and Legendary’s online catalog and store is comprehensive, all-inclusive and never without a seasonal or special events pricing.

  • All hand-trimmed covers, carpets and coverings
  • An inventory of hundreds of colors and grains of vinyl and NOS materials
  • Hand-craftsmanship combined with modern production techniques yield maximum quality

About the author

Kevin Shaw

Kevin Shaw is a self-proclaimed "muscle car purist," preferring solid-lifter camshafts and mechanical double-pumpers over computer-controlled fuel injection and force-feeding power-adders. If you like dirt-under-your-fingernails tech and real street driven content, this is your guy.
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