London Dragway’s Grudge Wars: Helping To Keep Racing Off The Streets

Nestled away amongst the Daniel Boone National Forest in southern Kentucky, the London Dragway is home to weekend after weekend of exciting racing action, from Outlaw Pro Mods to Junior Dragsters and everything in between. Over the past two years however, London Dragways’ owner, Craig Boone has worked to develop a monthly event in order to step up their game for the street car crowd in a fun and inexpensive event, and also as an aid to get racing off the streets. For only five bucks a person to race or spectate, Grudge Wars has taken off  like wildfire, and is becoming widely regarded across the Bluegrass State and beyond.

Each month from April through October, London Dragway opens its’ gates at the finals of their normal Saturday program for anyone and everyone that is looking for some good ole fashioned grudge matches, call-outs, arm drop races, or anything else that may tickle ones’ fancy. Even a foot race if anyone is so inclined. To resemble street racing, scoreboards are turned off as soon as the first pair rolls into the water boxes and races can be set up however the competitors choose. The track keeps the staging lanes open until the wee hours of the morning for the mass crowd that accumulates for some racing action. 

Grudge Wars coincides with the conclusion of the nearby Somernites Cruise in Somerset, Kentucky, which is one of the largest cruise-ins in the state. The timing of the event was no coincidence, as the Dragway created the monthly event to not only offer clean family fun but provide its’ facilities in an effort to keep the after-cruise racing where it should be: at the track and off the streets. 

“It takes a lot of the street racing crews off the street and on to the track…which is great! So much safer!” said Somerset local Heather Smith.

Support for the monthly event has been overwhelming. Not only have local cars, minivans, four-wheelers, and diesel powerhouses shown up for the event, but racers from out of state have made the trip to participate as well. Scotty Lovell from Ohio towed his Mustang over three hours to race at several of the Grudge Wars races. “I think it’s a good time and I will be back next year. I towed over three hours each way to come for it. Heck, the last one I raced a streetcar shootout in Cincinnati, filled my bottles again, and drove almost 3.5 hrs after racing all day.”

Rodney Keaton, whom had worked at London during several of the events, spoke highly of Grudge Wars. “I think it’s a great thing. It introduces people to the sport of drag racing that may not ordinarily spectate or participate. It also provides a place to call out your trash talkin’ buddies for some heads up action without racing on the streets.”

Another frequent visitor and racer at London, John Phillips, shared his thoughts: ”I think it’s a great event. And it let’s people race where it matters, which is on the track. There’s this huge love for street racing, but it’s dangerous and illegal. Grudge Wars allows that street racing style to be brought to the track. People can call one another out and see who’s the fastest in a safer, controlled environment.”

Although the first month was by far a success with several hundred visitors through the gates, the crowds continued to grow, and more and more cars began filtering through onto the grounds. By the end of 2011 the car count was pushing 300 and the attendance was closing in on 1,000 people. The popularity continued to escalate throughout 2012, with attendance climbing to over 2,000 visitors and a ballooning car count as well. 

“I think Grudge Wars is a great event that Craig has put on. What better way to spend your night after a car show than racing at the track for five dollars?“ shared Angel Short, another event goer and racer.

If you have a score to settle, a call-out to make, or you want to show off how fast the family minivan is, keep it off the street and make your way out to Grudge Wars, as 2013 should be even bigger and better yet.





About the author

Tabitha Sizemore

From building and racing her own car to track photography and sponsoring races, Tabitha has her hand in a little bit of everything when it comes to drag racing.
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