Looking Good Under The Hood With Tuff Stuff

Tuff Stuff brings an old world touch to modern day manufacturing.  Family owned and operated, all the Tuff Stuff products are made in house from start to finish.  The way it used to be when parts seemed to last forever.  Bringing a line of real dress up components for GM based engines, Tuff Stuff had some real quality chrome parts to show at this year’s SEMA trade show.

Mike Stasko, Tuff Stuff expert and Director of Marketing, showed us the latest and greatest from the performance company.  “Our parts are American made and we build all of them under our roof.  We are extremely proud of our chrome and anything that you want to look good under your hood, we chrome it.”

Watch the Tuff Stuff SEMA video here:

Stasko also showed us their new powder coating colors, which included a retro looking red oxide powder coating.  Also available are black, yellow, orange, red and blue.  According to Stasko; “these powder coatings won’t fade with heat.  No matter how hot it gets under the hood, you can count of the powder coating to hold it’s color and continue to look good.  Plus, it’s got the toughness of powder coating.  You’re just not going to get the long lasting look from painted parts.”

Stasko showed us the newly released 1362 chrome LT1 water pump that fits four of the most popular applications.  “You won’t have to stock four different types of water pumps because our pump uses a universal tube kit that customizes the fit to your application.”

These water pumps are designed to fit 5.7 Liter LT1 engine applications:

  • 1992 Corvette
  • 1993-96 Corvette
  • 1993-97 Camaro, Firebird and Trans Am
  • 1994-96 Caprice, Impala and Impala SS

Features of the 1362 Series LT1 Water Pump:

  • One part number covers 4 most popular applications.
  • Heavy duty bearings, center shaft and seals for dependability.
  • New Aluminum casting with stock location hose connections and ports.
  • Includes water pump gasket and universal tube kit.

Tuff Stuff offers other good looking, rugged components that you will keep you looking good under the hood, and as Stasko says; “Our chrome will get you home.”

For more information or to view Tuff Stuff’s product line, visit them at www.tuffstuffperformance.com.

About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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