LS Fest West 2020: A Race Between Cheeseheads And Gearheads

LS Fest West 2020: A Race Between Cheeseheads And Gearheads

It seems like it was just months ago that we headed out for LS Fest West. The truth of the matter is that it’s almost been a year, and the massive LS show is just two months away. If you’re wanting to see a plethora of LS-powered cars, doing burnouts, racing, and jumping stuff, you need to go to this show. The event kicks off April 24 at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway and offers three days of nonstop action.

While we would typically allow you to wait until the last minute to reserve your hotel room, we are encouraging you to book them if you haven’t already. There is another event taking place the same weekend called the NFL Draft. And while we are not familiar with this gathering, it seems that people will drive from all over the US to attend. Rumor has it that these obnoxious types will dress-up as Cowboys and Indians, put cheese on their heads, and even paint each other’s faces with their team colors. As if this acts weren’t bad enough, thousands of these so-called fans show up utilizing the same sleeping spaces in Sin City that we need for LS Fest participants.

Here is the official release from Holley:

News Update: The NFL Draft will take place during LS Fest West and is also in the Las Vegas area!

“We wanted to give our LS Fest West participants a quick heads up to make sure both our participants and spectators secure their hotels before the rates shoot up or they’re all gone! If you haven’t already booked your hotel, follow the link and use the booking code on our website. Using this code will ensure the hotel will honor the agreed-upon price! Book your hotel NOW!”

We hope you book your rooms today so we can be neighbors with a Gearhead and not a “Cheesehead,” whatever that is.

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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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