More Power With Boost-Specific Camshafts From Howard’s Cams

Founded in 1945, Howard’s Cams has been producing top of the line products for the racing and aftermarket community.  With a trusted background in performance and reliability, the company has stepped up the game to offer a new option for the ever-growing trend of turbo and supercharged engines.

The aftermarket has made it very easy to make upwards of 1,000-horsepower with your pump gas or E85-powered vehicle.  To make those numbers, you need the right combination of engine components. Shoving boost into an engine will make power, but it isn’t very efficient.  The right heads and camshaft will unleash that “hidden” horsepower from your inefficient turbo or blown engine. But what camshaft do you install?

Howard's LS Camshaft

LS-Series Boost-Specific Camshaft

Picking the right camshaft for your build is always difficult. How much duration do you need? What lobe separation is best for your application? Camshaft specs can be like trying to understand a new language. Fortunately, you can leave the hard work to the professionals like Howard’s Cams. They have put in the engineering to supply you with a camshaft that will work great, right off the shelf.  

Forced induction requires far different specs than a naturally aspirated engine. So, for those of you looking to add boost to your engine, or if you’re looking to fine tune a forced-induction setup for more power and efficiency, Howard’s provides a new catalog of boost specific camshafts.  Offering options for Ford and Chevy platforms, they have an extensive line up of turbo and supercharger-spec cams.

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About the author

Scott Nogrady

Scott has an extensive background in building and driving race cars. Another extension of my creativity would be photography.
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