MSD’s Atomic EFI Receives Distinctive CARB Exemption Status

atomic01With California smog requirements getting tighter and tighter, the days of modifying a musclecar from the late 1970s through the 1980s is getting harder to accomplish without irritating the smog Gods. In California alone, the junker program sought to take mid-1980s cars off the road and crush them, offering up a small reward for ridding the state of these nuisances. But they’re not a nuisance to many enthusiasts who are finding that replacement parts are far and few between, and it’s just no fun to build a motor and retain all of those emissions components.

atomic03MSD has helped to get some of those enthusiasts one step closer to getting their car back on the road without worrying about that dreaded, hard-to-find replacement carburetor, which can cost upwards of $600 or more. MSD’s Atomic EFI is now CARB (California Air Resources Board) legal! This makes the Atomic EFI (PN 2900 & 2910) the only aftermarket EFI system to acquire an Executive Order number for replacement on V8 GM vehicles in California from 1987 and older.

The even better news is that E.O. Number D-722 permits the Atomic EFI to be installed on 1987 and older GM cars and trucks with V8 engines, in place of the factory carburetor, and satisfies the anit-tampering requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act – which means it can also be installed in all other states as well.

Finally, enthusiasts with a 1987 and older GM car or truck can junk the old carburetor and enjoy the benefits of a self-learning EFI system that provides the user with quick starts, smooth power and a consistent idle in all driving conditions. In many cases, better fuel economy is also achieved, and the EFI conversion makes the vehicle more drivable – no more cold starts and sitting in the driveway waiting for that needle to lift a little because the choke is still closed on the carburetor.

atomic04“Adding this unique benefit supports the distinctiveness of the Atomic technology developed by our engineering team,” said Manny Grijalva, VP of Marketing and Sales. MSD adds, “During thorough testing it was confirmed that the Atomic system did not reduce the effectiveness of the applicable vehicle pollution control systems and therefore was granted an exemption from the prohibitions of Section 27156 of the California Vehicle Code for 1987 and older General Motors passenger cars and pickups originally equipped with a V8 engine and carburetor.

Anyone who purchases an Atomic EFI system going forward will receive the mandatory information label with the E.O. Number that can be affixed to subjected vehicles for purposes of inspection and CARB approval status. This is great news for enthusiasts, and a huge step towards keeping those target vehicles on the road and out of the crusher. To find out more information about the Atomic EFI or any other CARB approved products, like the MSD 6AL ignition, visit the MSD website and give them a call if you have any questions about the legality of the system on your car.

About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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