New Jensen GT Previewed with GM-Sourced Big Block Power

8e2d73d4016e8645_org-626x444In a somewhat forgotten piece of history from back in the late 60s and early 70s, while most British motoring enthusiasts were making due with the anemic engines in their Fords and Triumphs, the chosen few with the means and moxie to do so got themselves behind the wheel of a Jensen Interceptor.

Built in England, the two-plus-two coupe wasn’t supplied with the typical four cylinder or straight six power plant most European gearheads had become accustomed to. Instead, Jensen sourced their motors from Chrysler, dropping either 383 or 440ci big block V8 mills between the fenders, giving the Interceptor some serious performance to complement its sharp looks.

The original Jensen Interceptor. Images: Wiki Commons, Jensen

Of course, all that power and a boutique nameplate meant the Interceptor didn’t come cheap, and by the mid 1970s, a world-wide recession had spelled disaster for the company. By 1976, Jensen stopped producing the Interceptor and closed their doors.

In the decades since, several attempts to relaunch the brand have been made by various companies but none have stuck. Now with full ownership of the brand, the Jensen Group, along with Jensen International Automotive – a company which has made name for itself resto-modding original Jensen Interceptors with modern drivetrain and suspension components – are poised to bring Jensen back into the automotive landscape with the new GT.

As indicated by the clay model shown here, the GT ditches the hatchback layout of the Interceptor in favor of a more traditional coupe design. And while the GT will get its power from Detroit iron, rather than a Chrysler mill it will instead come from a 6.4-liter supercharged V8 sourced from General Motors, making an estimated 665 horsepower. That V8 will be hooked up to either a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic gearbox.

921d2feb7b2eddd0_org-626x467The GT will retain the original car’s two-plus-two layout, and will be underpinned by a steel-backbone space frame with aluminum used extensively throughout the car, both in the body construction as well as the chassis components. Weight is promised to remain under 3400 pounds.

The Jensen Group says that real, drivable versions of the new GT will become available later this year, with customer deliveries occurring soon afterward. Additionally, the company says that an all-new Interceptor 2 will also debut in 2016. According to Jensen, that car will “take design cues from the classic Interceptor and will advance the concept of the original grand tourer”, and may involve a collaboration with a larger, well established automotive manufacturer.

Whether or not the Jensen GT will make it to US shores remains unanswered, though Jensen Group officials say that it could happen “in theory”. As for the price? Well, this is where history truly repeats itself. The GT is expected to cost “in the region of £350,000”, or about $500,000. While you’d certainly be the only guy in the neighborhood with a supercharged Jensen, that kind of coin buys a lot of Hellcats. Stay tuned for more updates on the new Jensen GT as we have them.

About the author

Bradley Iger

Lover of noisy cars, noisy music, and noisy bulldogs, Brad can often be found flogging something expensive along the twisting tarmac of the Angeles Forest.
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