Classic Instruments Headed To SEMA 2019 With Three New Products

SEMA 2019 is right around the corner. Arguably the biggest car show on the planet, the Las Vegas Convention Center will soon be filled to the rafters with all things automotive. Classic Instruments is always on the leading edge when it comes to innovative custom gauges. Whether it’s on the lawn at Pebble Beach, the rolling hills of Watkins Glen, or the drag strip at Pomona, you will find a car with Classic Instruments.

We always make CI’s booth at SEMA one of our first stops to see its exciting new products with our own eyes. Luckily, you don’t have to wait until the show to see what the good folks back at the factory are cooking up, as they’ve given us a sneak peek of some of the new products that will be on display this year.

New Hybrid Speedometer With Information Screen

First up, check out Classic Instruments all-new speedometer equipped with a digital information screen. The display screen is now available in new 3 3/8-inch and 4 5/8-inch speedometers and all universal fit sets, plus select direct-fit clusters may be upgraded to the new speedometer. The gauges’ first appearance will be at SEMA, beginning November 5th.

The all-new hybrid gauge gives you the best of both the analog and digital worlds. This is perfect for those of us who like the nostalgic look and “feel” of an analog sweeping needle, but still want the adjustability and modern convenience that comes with a digital readout. Nothing beats a traditional needle when you only have enough time to make a quick glance at your gauges. But, when you need (or want) to be exact, the new screen offers the options to display (in either English or Metric units) a digital speed readout, an odometer which “rolls” just like a traditional mechanical odometer, and a trip meter.

Each new speedometer is equipped with a step-by-step calibration mode and enhanced diagnostic features to make sure you get everything set up correctly the first time.

New 2 5/8-inch Clocks

Next up, check out Classic Instruments new 2 5/8-inch clocks. Always at the forefront of cool instrumentation, these new timepieces have been available since April, but CI has expanded the line to include more options. Similar in size to many factory clocks in older vehicles, these new clocks feature the latest in innovation and quality. The new clocks stretch across the Classic Instruments universal series.

For those with a ’55 or ’56 Chevy, there is a version specifically designed to match the Tri-Five direct-fit Bel Era III cluster as well. While the standard 2 5/8-inch bezel and lens options apply to these clocks, utilizing a special adapter ring (P/N MT56CLK), the 2-5/8-inch clocks will fit into the factory clock bezel in these cars. The face design is printed to match the popular Bel Era III clusters and will include the adapter ring when purchased.

The clock is constructed to fit a standard 2 5/8-inch cup. The lighting color is a warm, white LED for longer-lasting life.

We dig the vast array of fonts, finishes, and colors that allow you to easily complement your existing gauges or add to a new custom set.

New Direct-Fit Instrument Cluster For 66-67 Chevy Chevelle and El Camino

Now available for the ’66 and ’67 Chevy Chevelle and El Camino is an updated mid-size Chevy cluster that includes a speedometer, tachometer, fuel level, temperature, oil pressure, and volt gauges; along with indicator lights.  All the gauges are electronic in operation, yet they appear analog. A significant bonus is that the fuel gauge is programmable for any ohm range with a selector on the back of the cluster, so there is no more guessing on how many ohms your sending unit has. It will work with just about any sending unit, whether it is the stock (0-90 ohm) GM one that came with the car or any other factory sending units, or of course, any Classic Instruments fuel sending unit.

Velocity Black Series

The cluster was designed with factory fitment and installation in mind and mounts in the original factory bezel, which is included along with a new reproduction lens. For ease of installation, wiring is handled with a single wire harness connection on the back of the cluster. No additional electronic modules are required to mount underneath the dash; it works directly with the ECM or VSS signals.

G/Stock Series

The cluster is offered in four different color/series choices with orange pointers for high contrast. Users can also choose the Velocity Black or G/Stock series for a slightly different look. Of course, all Classic Instruments gauges are customizable, so you can change things around a bit when you order if you want to personalize it even more.

If you’re going to SEMA 2019, stop by Classic Instruments display booth (#22478) and check them out. Or stay tuned to Power Automedia for all the updates.

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About the author

Dave Cruikshank

Dave Cruikshank is a lifelong car enthusiast and an editor at Power Automedia. He digs all flavors of automobiles, from classic cars to modern EVs. Dave loves music, design, tech, current events, and fitness.
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