Strange Engineering S550 Mustang Rear Drag Brakes

Strange Engineering, a long-time drag racing technology innovator, offers a rear brake kit designed for the 2015-2020 Mustang GT. This upgrade draws from the company’s two decades of experience developing high-performance braking solutions for drag racing applications.

Strange Engineering New Brake Kit

This kit includes two-piece floating slotted steel rotors (PN B2794L/B2794R). This kind of rotor design allows it to expand axially as well as radially. Thus, during intense braking, as the rotors warm up, they neither warp nor lose their precise and dependable stopping power.


Completing the rotors are Strange Engineering four-piston directional calipers (PN B5002/B5004). These lightweight aluminum calipers with 1.625 and 1.750-inch stainless steel pistons that are machined and resistant to corrosion, with varying piston sizes, optimize pressure across the brake pads, less pad taper, and maximize stopping power.

Each caliper is tapped ⅛ inches NPT and furnished with a straight male -3 AN fitting. Strange Engineering suggests using Teflon tape or liquid on the pipe threads of the fitting, leaving a few threads from the tip uncoated to avoid depositing material inside the caliper.

Strange Engineering New Brake Kit

Strange Engineering selected its DTC-30 semi-metallic brake pads (PN B5010) for this kit. These pads are formulated to provide exceptional cold-holding power, which is important for optimal performance at the starting line.

The company recommends these pads for vehicles achieving speeds of 150 mph or less in the quarter-mile. Strange Engineering’s rear brake kit offers a few advantages to Mustang GT owners who want to improve their car’s drag race performance.


One benefit is that it allows for 15-inch wheels, which often cannot be fitted with the factory brake setup. The company further offers optional caliper upgrades, such as the OPRB10 Evolution 4 Low Profile Caliper, which gives more space for the wheels, and the OPRB07 Evolution 4 Billet Caliper, for some other aesthetic appeal.

Friction Data

Friction Data Disclaimer: Due to variations in testing methods and conditions, friction data is only for comparing Strange pads.

The kit also requires drilling the existing knuckle holes to 5/16 inches x 1.375 inches deep and tapping them ⅜ inches -16 x 1 inch deep. Brake hoses and lines are not included in the kit, as per Strange Engineering. More detailed instructions on how to perform the installation can be viewed here.

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