New Ways To Keep It Together With ARP

Automotive Racing Products, better known simply as ARP, needs no introduction to anyone who’s ever turned a wrench on a performance engine. Their line of aftermarket fasteners is the industry standard, and they’re always introducing new items to meet the needs of the racing and street performance market and fill the occasional gap in their enormous and comprehensive catalog.

Case in point are these new part numbers we came across at the SEMA show – though the Ford Modular V8 has been around since the mid-90’s, up until now if you wanted to replace the factory main cap side bolts with ARP fasteners, there wasn’t a ready-made option. The new side bolt kits, which are available for early and late aluminum and cast iron blocks in both 2- and 4-bolt main configurations, incorporate a broad head as an integral part of the bolt, rather than a separate washer.

Another new application is this Pro Series flexplate bolt kit for the new 5.7 and 6.1L Chrysler HEMI engines.  Like all Pro Series flexplate and flywheel bolts, they’re upgraded from the High Performance series’ 180,000 psi rating to 200,000 psi tensile strength.You may also have noticed another interesting new addition in that flexplate bolt kit. ARP’s Ultra-Torque fastener assembly lubricant is a huge step ahead, specifically designed to reduce tension pre-load “scatter” and eliminate the need to cycle high performance engine fasteners before final installation. Unlike engine oil or moly-based lubes, Ultra-Torque hits 95%-100% of the recommended pre-load on the first pull, and maintains that pre-load within 5% on subsequent cycles.

  • Prevents seizing and galling on all threaded fasteners
  • Prevents rust and corrosion for the life of the lubricant
  • Effective lubrication from -50 to 2000 degrees F
  • 360 degree F melting point
  • Metal-free

About the author

Paul Huizenga

After some close calls on the street in his late teens and early twenties, Paul Huizenga discovered organized drag racing and never looked back, becoming a SFI-Certified tech inspector and avid bracket racer. Formerly the editor of OverRev and Race Pages magazines, Huizenga set out on his own in 2009 to become a freelance writer and editor.
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