OCD: The Ultimate Tow Combos

It’s sort of like peanut butter and jelly – putting together two of America’s favorite pastimes combined: the custom automobile and the glorious road trip or camping excursion. Through the decades combining custom cars, trucks, motorcycles, and everything under the sun with a matching camper or other creation in tow has been sort of a rite of passage for car guys and their friends and families. Many of us have sat around day dreaming about a cross-country journey through the states down Route 66, stopping to see all of the cool historic sights along the way.

Image: Not Stock Photography

Luckily in my case, I am blessed enough to have friends as crazy as I am, who are always down to see the open road in whatever form of custom creation we may have that actually runs at the time. It also really helps to work in the automotive industry allowing us to partake in many such adventures leaving us in a perpetual state of road trip nirvana (well, we can dream can’t we).

One recent trip involved me and a buddy jumping in our custom rides and driving cross-country to meet up with others along the way who were headed to the same destination – Tunica, Mississippi. We were headed east for yet another awesome show and great times with friends from all over the country and the world. That’s right, we even had some of our friends fly in from Japan to hang out and check out all of the crazy custom antics taking place on American soil.

It’s been less than two months since this last cross-country adventure, but already it seems like it’s been years and we’re sitting here in the office itching for more! This got me thinking (uh oh – watch out) – what would I want to build as the “Ultimate Tow Combo” if funds and free time weren’t the only limiting factors. Man oh man, are there a ton of custom rides out there with all sorts of amazing campers, bobbers, and trailers in tow. In fact, some of my closest friends have built some of these wicked combos, and others are still in the works.

But alas, it’s probably true that I should be focused on the current two projects at hand instead of sitting here day dreaming about a gorgeously modified ’47-54 Chevy truck to match my custom hardtail in tow. Hovering only inches off the ground cruising down I-40 to the next big show in this custom combo would be a dream come true, but once again I have to smack myself back into reality with a current SEMA show project build at hand and my next long-term custom build still in the ranks (don’t worry, an exclusive sneak peak is coming soon for our readers).

It’s true, I should probably be focused on the current two projects at hand instead of day dreaming about a gorgeously modified ’47-54 Chevy truck to match my custom hardtail in tow.

So, what do you do when all of these images come flooding your way of yet another crazy project idea? Well, I’ve learned my lesson, and I just add it to the ever-growing list of “somedays.” If I dropped everything and put my efforts into every crazy idea that came spiraling through my brain then obviously I would never get anything done.

This is exactly why O.C.D. paired with automotive A.D.D. is such a bad combo! But this time I decided to turn my day dreaming into a positive and dig up a bunch of cool custom tow combos for your enjoyment. I had no idea that there were this many heavily modified rides and camper combos or bitchin’ tow combos in general. I’ve only seen a few here and there at shows, but after doing some digging I came across some of the coolest rides that I’ve ever seen and thought it would probably be selfish of me not to share.

Moving right along, I began to think about how many other people out there must have some really neat road trip stories and/or killer tow setups that we didn’t happen to stumble upon during our search. If one of our loyal RA (Rod Authority) readers have a cool road trip story or awesome vehicle to share with us make sure to EMAIL them our way or post them to our RA Facebook page for all to see.

And if this doesn’t inspire you to get in the garage and crank on that ride so you can hit the next show either near or far – then we just don’t know what will!

Until then, enjoy this GALLERY of the “Ultimate Tow Combos” brought to you by RA:

About the author

Mike Alexander

With over a decade of automotive print and editorial experience, Mike Alexander enjoys shooting and writing about cars, and has several projects cars in his stable.
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