Penn Grade Oil Blended With Zinc Concentrates From Brad Penn

Brad Penn Oil has a distinctive green tint.

The folks at Brad Penn claim that from the company was founded in 1881, they are the only refinery processing 100% Pennsylvania Grade crude oil.  According to the Brad Penn engineers that we talked to at the 2010 SEMA Trade Show, that is the reason the Brad Penn racing oils are favored by many of the top racing teams.

We were told that the Penn Grade crude is free of asphalt constituents, which can make a tarry residue, and has only trace amounts of sulfur and nitrogen.  A blend of zinc concentrate is added in the refining and the oil takes on it’s unique green color that many racers and engine builders have come to know and love.

Brad Penn’s Richard Glady gave us the rundown on their line of racing oil:

Included in the Brad Penn line of racing lubricants is a partially synthetic 10W30/10W40 high performance oil. Designed for use in street and off road gasoline engines as well as circle track and drag racing applications.  Works well with high revving, hotter running engines.

The partially synthetic 20W50/15W40 high performance oils are designed for turbo and non-turbo racing engines.  With a little heavier viscosity, these oils work well with mud and dirt track racing engines.

Brad Penn’s SAE 30 and SAE 40 high performance oils are designed more for the anti scuffing protection in older push rod style engines with flat tappet cams.  These oils have a full compliment of ZDDP additives for extra protection.

The SAE 50 high performance oil is designed to protect high performance competition engines fueled by either gas or alcohol.

The Brad Penn “Nitro” 70 High performance oil is specifically designed for racing engines that experience extremely high torque loads and temperature conditions.  Works well in nitro-methane fueled racing engines.

For more information on Brad Penn racing oils, visit their website at

About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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