Percy’s High Performance Showcases Several New Automotive Products

The source of some truly innovative and unique components, Percy’s High Performance encompasses a vast array of products that cover many different areas of a vehicle, from engine components to varying forms of tools and dynos to make your life easier. Among their product lineup is their original Adjust-A-Jet carburetor that started it all, the WheelRite simulator, Seal-4-Good reusable flange gaskets, XX Carbon exhaust gaskets, Split Lock friction lock fasteners, the Tire Pressure Equalizer, and the Oil Pump Dyno.

At SEMA, Percy’s showcased three of their newest and most popular products. HyperFiber is advertised as the fastest composite on earth, and uses a unique one part solvent free resin that saves time through simple application and easy cleanup for your composite projects. Meanwhile, Paint & Protect is a complete do-it-yourself paint paint protection system that you simply roll on and peel off and provides an invisible layer of material that protects against dirt, dust, mud, asphalt, tire rubber, bugs, and other things that can harm your cars’ paint. And lastly, their new Live-Lock clutches and converters grabbed quire a bit of attention from passerby’s. The Live-Lock clutch is made of lightweight aluminum and features an adjustable torque transfer design with a soft pedal functionality. The new converter, meanwhile, has a high efficiency locking design, with an externally adjustable stall RPM, adjustable torque transfer, keeps transmission fluid cool, and is also made of lightweight aluminum.

  • HyperFiber uses a unique one part solvent free resin that saves time through simple application and easy cleanup for composite projects
  • Paint & Protect provides an invisible and removable layer of material that protects against dirt, dust, mud, asphalt, tire rubber, bugs, etc.
  • Live-Lock Clutch is made of lightweight aluminum and features an adjustable torque transfer design
  • Live-Lock converter has a high efficiency locking design, with an externally adjustable stall RPM

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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