Pulstar’s I-Series Line Of Spark Plugs Gives Your Car Added HP

Here at SEMA, the folks at Pulstar are showcasing their line of spark plugs that are available and designed for a myriad of applications, ranging from high performance vehicles to motorcycles and everything in between. Interestingly, unlike many spark plug manufacturers who have large catalogs of plug offerings specific to may makes and models, Pulstar produces a total of five SKU’s that cover 75-80% of the entire automotive market, all while maintaining the utmost in performance.

A couple of their offerings that are popular and well-catered to the high performance domestic automotive market are their I-Series Iridium Electrode line of plugs. Their be1i plug is a great plug for Chrysler applications such as the new HEMI Charger’s and Challengers, while the ad1i is designed for use with Ford and GM products, including the Mustang and LS-powered vehicles.

These Pulstar plugs feature a pulse plug with a built-in capacitor in which energy from the engine’s power coil is stored. At the exact moment its needed, that energy is released in a quick, high-energy pulse. This equates to added combustion chamber efficiency that increases internal cylinder pressure by as much as 10%, thus producing more horsepower and torque.

  • Features a pulse plug with a built-in capacitor in which energy from the engine’s power coil is stored
  • Increases horsepower by as much as 12%
  • Contain an integrated capacitor that peaks the energy and ignites the fuel more efficiently

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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