Many of the products we use on a daily basis to make life easier were invented out of necessity. A person sees a need, and if a fix isn’t found, one is invented. We see that all around us, especially in the automotive aftermarket. Our industry is filled with products that came from inventive people that when confronted with the lack of a solution, they invented one.
Race Ramps‘ line of products came from that same thought. The company was born out of the necessity for making it easier to get cars off the ground for maintenance, performance upgrades, for display at car shows, or to simply help get lowered vehicles into enclosed trailers and onto lifts.
“The three words Race Ramps likes to use are stronger, lighter, and safer. That makes the Race Ramps the best on the market,” says Kwan International Marketing and Media’s Christina Kwan. Kwan handles Race Ramps’ public relations and marketing, and is well-versed in all things Race Ramps.
In this text, we’ll be taking a look at several of Race Ramps’ line of products aimed at making your life–whether at the track or at home in your shop–easier and safer than ever before.

This is one of Race Ramps’ Jack Assist ramps. The Jack Assist ramps allows you to drive up on the ramp, and enables you to get your car off the ground high enough to get it on a jack, or on a two-post lift.
Jack Assist Ramps
Offroad Applications - Race Rocks
Race Ramps’ Race Rocks are designed for the off-road crowd to show the flexibility of their vehicle’s chassis. Race Ramps has them in 14- or 16-inch variations.
“These have been a highly requested product and you continue to see them expand in presence at shows,” Christina Kwan says.
“We have two options with the Trak-Jax–with or without a stopper,” Kwan says. “The Trak-Jax help with getting a jack underneath a vehicle to find that support spot. Also, it does enable vehicles to get on lifts as well.”
The Jack Assist Ramps weigh five pounds and are 30.1 inches long. These ramps came from the premise of auto crossers not wanting to purchase a high-priced, low-profile floor jack in order to change out their car’s tires at an event. Though they came from an auto cross environment, they work perfectly for the dragstrip and shop use.
The Jack Assist ramps really come in handy with race cars that have ultra-low ride heights. Often times, there's no way to get a jack under a race car or on a two-post lift without them. The Jack Assist ramps come in handy both at the shop and at the track when you need just a couple of inches of extra space between the ground and the car's chassis.
Racer Mat
Face it, none of us are getting any younger. When working on or under a car, there are times when we have to kneel down or flat-back it. The Instagram generation isn’t so worried about this, but those of us from the MySpace or…gasp…pre-internet generation, our bones and joints don’t like being on the ground.
The three words Race Ramps likes to use are stronger, lighter, and safer. – Christina Kwan.
The Racer Mat is like a portable creeper, keeping you off the ground to make it more comfortable to work on a car, while also protecting your clothing from getting even dirtier than they likely already do when working on a car. The Racer Mat is mold, mildew, water, and stain resistant, which makes it the perfect addition to any shop, home garage, or race trailer.
The Scale Ramps make it easier to get a race car up on a set of scales so you can set up the chassis and suspension. Without these, one would have to jack up the car, slide the scales under the tires, and then lower it down. The Scale Ramps make this process much simpler.
Scale Ramps
With any type of race car, there’s going to come a time when you need to scale the car in order to properly set up the suspension. Some use a lift to get a car off the ground, then lower it down onto the scales. In many cases, though, a lift isn’t going to be available; like if the lift is already taken, or you’re at the track and the car needs to be scaled. At the track is where Race Ramps’ Scale Ramps really come in handy.
Scale Ramps allow the car to be easily pushed, pulled, or driven up on them, and then onto the scales at each wheel. They’re compatible with conventional 15-inch, 2-1/2-inch high scales. Whereas the Trak-Jax are three inches high, the Scale Ramps are 2-1/2 inches high to level them to the height of most scales. There are two styles of the Scale Ramps available: the first is just a ramp up to a scale, while the other has a platform providing a level surface for rolling a car onto a scale.

Race Ramps’ Flatstoppers are for designed to keep your tires from becoming flat-spotted as a result of sitting for a long period of time. We hope your car doesn’t have extended down time, but if you live in a northern climate, you might not have a say in the matter.

Race Ramps’ Flatstoppers is a simple, yet ingenious product. To prevent flat-spotting your car’s tires, all you do is drive up the Flatspotters, and leave it.
Anyone who’s been around cars knows that when you leave a car sitting in storage, the tires can become flat-spotted as a result. This is especially an issue with bias-ply tires, due to their inherent construction. Race Ramps’ Flatstoppers are designed to provide you with an alternative to this after extended storage, however, as they have a curved surface that conforms to the round shape of a tire to keep the tires from flat-spotting. The Flatstoppers are available in two versions: one is 10-inches wide for your more street-style tires, while the other measures 14-inches wide to fit wider drag racing tires. Both versions are just over 22 inches long, so they’ll take up minimal space in your garage when not being used.
With Race Ramps’ Flatstoppers, you don’t have to jack the car up to get the tires on them; you simply drive up on Stoppers and you’re all set. Flatstoppers come in a pack of four, since your vehicle most likely has (at least it should have) four wheels.
Race Ramps' Service Ramps make it easy to perform oil changes and other front end-related services without putting the car on a lift. These are ideal for at the track for engine and transmission servicing and inspection.
Service Ramps
Back in the day, we had those heavy and bulky metal ramps that everyone used to change oil or perform other service-related repairs. They rusted and the construction made them a pain to use. Race Ramps’ Service Ramps, however, are a different story entirely. For our Power Automedia shop, we chose the 67-inch Service Ramps–these are likely the size you’ll need for your race car. The 67-inch ramps have the length that lowered vehicles need for proper clearance.
The 67-inch Service Ramps have a 10.8-degree angle designed specifically for lowered vehicles. “In the case where you still need to decrease the angle of approach even more, we provide extenders for this ramp,” Kwan says. The Service Ramps solid-core construction is capable of supporting 3,000 pounds and tires up to 12-inches wide. They’re able to raise your car 10-inches off the ground, and they’re sturdy enough for most vehicles while weighing only 15 pounds each. “What’s great about the two-piece ramp is that the ramp section can be removed for even better underbody access,” Kwan adds.
They also won’t slip on any surface; reportedly even ice. We wouldn’t test that theory, nor would we want to, but Race Ramps has done their homework to ensure a solid footing. As well, the ramps won’t dig into, scratch, or blemish your floor’s surface.

Good old wheel chocks: Race Ramps has those, too. We’ve all used them, and will use them again. These come in handy in a variety of automotive situations, and can ensure your race car stays where it’s supposed to, whether in the garage, the driveway, on the dyno, or in/on the trailer.
Wheel Chocks
Everyone knows what wheel chocks are and what they’re for: they’re designed to make sure your vehicle stays where you left it. Their intent is to hold a car in place, keep it from rolling down your driveway, or maybe out of your enclosed trailer when you’re not looking. You can use them at the front of your enclosed trailer as a stopping point for your race car, as well. Race Ramps’ wheel chocks are made of rubber and are compatible with all other Race Ramps products.
Whether it’s wheel chocks, service ramps, or the company’s Flatstoppers, Race Ramps’ products have won numerous new product awards, and count Jegs, Summit Racing, and Amazon, among others, as its top vendors and retailers. Race Ramps products are made in the USA using American-made raw materials. The company also has the products you need to improve the experience of every facet of vehicle maintenance and storage.