Race Winning Brands Expands: A Bold Step Forward

image of Tom Hauser (Director) and Fran Leverick (Manager, Business Development); Race Winning Brands (RWB)

Race Winning Brands (RWB) is raising the bar in high-performance manufacturing with its latest acquisition. By bringing together RevMax Torque Converters (RevMax) and Transmission Specialties (TSI), two industry leaders in transmission innovation, RWB is reshaping what it means to deliver quality and performance.

This move is more than just a business decision—it’s about creating a stronger foundation for exceptional products and service. As part of the transition, TSI’s operations will move from Aston, PA, to RevMax’s existing facility in Charlotte, NC. This consolidation simplifies manufacturing and logistics, streamlines R&D and quality processes, and ensures jobbers, builders, and end users receive the excellence they expect.

The vision for this evolution is spearheaded by Craig Stark, Vice President of RWB’s Transmission Business Unit. Stark’s dedication to collaboration and quality is reflected in the team he’s building. Tom Hauser, now Director, Business Development, and Fran Leverick, the new Manager, Business Development, bring years of experience and a shared passion for pushing boundaries.

“By leveraging collaboration, innovation, and a relentless focus on quality and continuous improvement, we’re streamlining operations and expanding our team to deliver industry-leading products and exceptional customer service,” Stark said.

For RWB, this isn’t just an acquisition—it’s a promise to innovate, improve, and always put the needs of the industry first. By uniting RevMax and TSI, they are charting a path toward a brighter, faster future for automotive and powersports enthusiasts everywhere.

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