SCT Now Available To Store Up To 10 Custom Tunes


Since 2003, SCT Performance has been manufacturing an array of handheld tuning devices for Ford, GM, and Chrysler/Dodge. From devices dedicated to increasing fuel economy, to those dedicated to increasing horsepower and torque, every product that SCT offers is ultimately devoted to your vehicle’s maximum performance.


SCT works with companies that produce performance parts for your vehicle’s performance in order to optimize tunes for your requirements.

The SF3 Power Flash has become the company’s most popular tuner for making it very simple for the average enthusiast to load tunes into their PCM, providing optimal power from bolt-ons at an affordable price. For the less simple and slightly more gluttonous enthusiasts who take it further than just a few bolt-ons, the tuner has the capability of storing custom tunes, as well. To read more about how to choose the right SCT device for your tuning needs, check out our in depth article: A Guide to Picking the Right SCT Flash Tuner

Up until recently, the SF3 came with the ability to support a mere 3 custom tunes. Well hold on to your britches, because in these glorious days the SF3 can now support up to 10 custom tunes! We have noticed many folks on the forums asking why the heck anyone would need to store 10 custom tunes. The best answer we could come up with was: Because America! The runners up include (but are not limited to): economy tune, pump gas tune, race gas tune, nitrous tune, E85 tune, sea level tune, above sea level tune, below sea level tune, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

If this news has gotten you all excited, you can either check out the list of SCT authorized dealers where you can buy one of these handy dandy tuning devices, or, if you are already a proud owner of one of theses units, the firmware update can be downloaded for any X3/SF3 (part numbers 3000 and 3015 with a device serial number that starts with XP) via the SCT website.

One thing to keep in mind is that all previous custom tunes will be erased, so think about having those backed up somewhere if they are important to you. Other than that, feel free to custom tune your little heart out—and don’t forget to have fun while doing it!

About the author

Tracy Shayhorn

Tracy began in the automotive industry in 2002 as the marketing manager for a performance shop, which she helped co-found. As a marketing ploy, she found herself piloting high-powered racecars built at their shop. You may recognize Tracy from shows like Bullrun on and Ultimate Car Build Off. Tracy has used her racing career and media platforms to encourage and empower women to feel more comfortable in the automotive and motorsports arenas by starting up all women driving schools and automotive workshops. She now enjoys writing and shooting photos in her spare time for Power Automedia automotive magazines.
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