See The Famous Crusher Camaro In Holley's Display On Power Tour

Holley Crusher Camaro

The Crusher Camaro has been featured in Hot Rod magazine multiple times, and it has changed many times over the years. But it’s latest incarnation is easily the most famous.

Fans of the car will recall an episode of Hot Rod’s popular YouTube show Roadkill, where David Freiburger and Mike Finnegan swapped out a 700 horsepower Weiand blown big block for a modern 700 horsepower Mast Motorsports LS7 powerplant live at the PRI show, then drove it across country. (In case you missed it, you can catch it here.) Freiburger and Finnegan depended on a lot of different Holley products to make the LS swap possible, including a Holley EFI, Hi-Ram intake, twin throttle bodies, oil pan, Hooker exhaust system and more.

Crusher CamaroTo commemorate the achievement, Holley is giving away a poster on the Hot Rod Power Tour showing both engines and an exclusive rendering of the Crusher by renowned car artist Chris Froggett. While at the Holley display, fans of Roadkill can also register to win some items from the recent Corvette Sinkhole episode including the gator head and Kobalt tool set.

Holley also told us that their team will be present throughout the entire Power Tour to provide tech help along the way should the need arise for anyone making the trek. Holley’s sponsored stop will be on June 10th at the Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, OH. Holley will also be awarding prizes to those Power Tour participants that post the fastest times of the day for various categories of vehicles (i.e., quickest E/T with a supercharger, quickest E/T on spray, best MPH naturally aspirated, best reaction time etc). 

So if you are a fan of Roadkill or the Crusher Camaro, make sure to stop by Holley’s display area on any of the Power Tour stops. The Hot Rod Power Tour takes place June 7th-12th, 2014. It kicks off in Charlotte, North Carolina, then makes its way through seven states before landing in Wisconsin Dells on June 13th.

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