SEMA 2012: Danchuk Tackling The 1955-57 Stainless Steel Market

When it comes to stainless steel trim for your Tri-5 Chevy, Danchuk is one name that comes to mind. They’ve been doing what they do for over 36 years, and their parts are proudly made right here in the USA.

And now they’re planning on bringing you all stainless steel trim for the 1956 Chevy by the end of the year, including the four-door models. We talked with Danchuk General Manager, Steve Brown, and he said, “Nobody is making stainless steel trim for the four-door models. It’s never been done before.”

We control the quality, we won’t put it in the punch press unless it’s the best in town. -Steve Brown

Beginning life as a company that made tail lamp lenses because they were getting hard to find, Danchuk sprang up as the hands on company to manufacture trim parts for the 1955-57 Chevrolets. Brown has worked for the company for over 27 years, and tells us, “Danchuk was the first game in town, the owners are both hands-on tool and die makers, so they know the business and how critical each part is.”

With a few companies providing parts made out of the country, Brown clearly states the significance of doing things here in the states where they can control the quality. “When parts come from overseas,” he said, “there’s no telling what quality you’re going to get, the quality is questionable. We control the quality, we won’t put it in the punch press unless it’s the best in town.”

Their initial focus is on the 1956 models and finishing up the two and four-door body styles and getting it all done. Then they plan to jump into the 1955 and then the 1957 and have all of the stainless steel trim available by the end of next year.

Instead of making parts that may or may not fit properly, they have gone back to the original parts and made their molds from them. Every detail about their moldings and clips were taken directly from the original parts so that Danchuk’s parts not only fit, but they fit right.

If you’ve been after trim parts for your Tri-5 Chevy, check out Danchuk’s web site for more information. They carry a complete line of parts, including exterior trim, interior trim, mechanical parts and wiring. You can the most extensive catalog dedicated to the 55-56-57 Chevrolet, and it’s also free for the asking.

About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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