SEMA 2020: Stay Cool With DEI’s Black Floor & Tunnel Shield

If you’ve got a car that is driven both on the street and raced at the track, there’s a good chance you have to make some compromises when it comes to comfort inside the vehicle. Gutting the interior will save weight, however, it’s going to expose you to more heat and noise, but Design Engineering Inc (DEI) has a solution. DEI’s new Black Floor & Tunnel Shield is designed to block engine heat and noise inside a vehicle.

Extreme heat inside a vehicle will really take the fun out of driving anything on the street, and that’s what makes DEI’s Black Floor & Tunnel Shield such a practical product. DEI used its experience in the heat and sound control world to create a high-temp resin and polymer surface that reduces the amount of heat that makes its way into the cabin of a vehicle. The material used for the Black Floor & Tunnel shield also protects heat-sensitive components from damage inside a vehicle.

Black Floor & Tunnel Shield is simple to install since it can easily be shaped and trimmed to fit anywhere. DEI used an aggressive adhesive backing to make the Black Floor & Tunnel Shield stick to any surface, this adhesive is also resistant to wind and water too. If you’re working in a tight space, the Black Floor & Tunnel Shield only needs 3/16-inch for clearance to be applied. Currently, DEI offers the Black Floor & Tunnel Shield in 42×48-inch and 21×48-inch rolls.

You can learn more about the Black Floor & Tunnel Shield on DEI’s website right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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