SEMA Takes on Legislative Showers Before May Brings Flowers

DSCN9090The show & shine season is well underway and legislatures all over the country are responding with actions that could affect the hot rod hobby. Fortunately, many of these actions are for the benefit of rodders, while others, well, let’s just say aren’t very hobby friendly. No matter what the case, the SEMA and the SEMA Action Network are keeping a watchful eye on legislative actions nation wide, encouraging fair laws and regulations to benefit both hot rodders and communities alike. Check out this month’s Law & Order updates below.

DSCN8894The first update on our list comes out of Delaware where the House has voted to exempt “reconstructed vehicles” that are 25 years old or older from emissions testing. The bill now goes to the Senate Public Safety Committee for further consideration.

If passed, this bill would exempt all vehicles that were constructed mostly from a variety of parts that are also at least 25 years old. Though emission testing would be off the to-do list, vehicles would still have to meet safety requirements and follow regulations for the limited use (allowed to drive less than 1,000 miles) vehicle regulation.

The next update deals with exhaust noise in Hawaii. Here a SEMA-opposed bill has been introduced that would require special inspections and testing to be done to determine if a vehicle’s exhaust system produces too much noise in comparison to the decibel level produced by factory equipment. SEMA is opposing this bill in part because it does not introduce testing procedures or decibel limits.


In Virginia, a bill that is aiming for the opposite has been introduced, which would allow antique (25 years or older) vehicles to be equipped with modified or aftermarket exhaust systems. If passed, this bill would do away with current regulations which require factory or similar exhaust systems to exist on all street-worthy vehicles.

West Virginia has also introduced an exhaust noise bill, which aims to allow classic car owners to run modified exhaust systems as long as they meet a 95-decibel limit. This would help put a legal standard in place rather than leaving it up to law enforcement discretion.

DSCN9105In Kansas, enthusiasts are scrambling because if a recently-introduced bill passes it would mean counties could remove inoperable vehicles from private property as public nuisances. Cities currently have this right but not counties.

Enthusiasts in West Virginia and Kentucky are fighting over property tax issues. Legislation has been introduced in Kentucky that would up the status of historic vehicles (25 years old or older) to high-value collectibles rather than “factory originals” or “classics”.

If passed, this would increase the amount of property taxes paid on vintage vehicles.

In West Virginia, enthusiasts are hoping a property tax exception for all vehicles 25 years or older will be passed. But, if vehicles are included in the exemptions, they couldn’t be used for daily transportation.

Another hot-button issue SEMA has run into a lot lately deals with the administration and/or requirement of only one license plate on streetable vehicles. Maryland, Washington, Illinois, New Hampshire West Virginia and New Jersey are states with pending legislation requiring just one license plate to be displayed on classic vehicles. Illinois’ proposed legislation would also expand the rights of vintage vehicle owners by allowing unlimited use of their vehicles year round.


Special consideration for collector or specialty plates is being made in New Jersey and West Virginia. New Hampshire’s license plate legislation has to do with allowing 1975 model years or earlier to run year-of-manufacture plates. Currently only vehicles manufactured before 1961 can run special collectors plates.

Also in New Jersey, legislation has been introduced that could amend the state’s current regulations on historic vehicle use by allowing collector vehicle owners to drive their vehicles for pleasure one day a week.

DSCN8959In Michigan, historic military vehicles may not have to display an exterior license plate if a bill now in the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is passed. This pertains to historic military vehicles that don’t have proper brackets or lighting for a plate. License plates would still be required, however, just not on the outside of the vehicle. West Virginia has introduced legislation that could allow for special collector plates for vehicles 25 years or older.

The last update includes legislation that has been introduced in both Tennessee and West Virginia aiming to cut certain taxes and fees on vehicles 25 years or older. In Tennessee, this could entail vintage vehicle owners paying a one-time “Privilege Tax” of $43.10. Legislation introduced in West Virginia aims to eliminate certain taxes and fees all together.

Spring is finally here and we couldn’t be happier to start the show season off on the right foot. But in order to do that, hot rod enthusiasts need to make their voices heard when it comes to legislation that could affect our hobby. Be sure to tell your congressmen and women what’s important to you for the hot rod community and sign up for weekly updates through the SEMA Action Network to continue to stay informed!


About the author

Lindsey Fisher

Lindsey is a freelance writer and lover of anything with a rumble. Hot rods, muscle cars, motorcycles - she's owned and driven it all. When she's not busy writing about them, she's out in her garage wrenching away. Who doesn't love a tech-savy gal that knows her way around a garage?
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