Shop Stop: Mansfield, Texas’s House Of Hot Rods & Classics

205377_10150942059253471_357468810_nIt’s amazing to think, that almost more than a century later, there are still business that dot this country dedicated to customizing, resurrecting, and preserving automobiles from a time gone by but certainly not forgotten–House of Hot Rods & Classics, a beautiful shop in Mansfield, Texas is sheer evidence of that.

sweatshirt_backThe following is an excerpt from the shop’s homepage, “A level of perfectionism and expectation for quality is what laid the foundation for this 200,000-square-foot playground that offers a one-stop-shop where dreams are built for those with hot rods or custom classic cars in their blood.”

At 200,000 square-feet it is certainly the quality of work that propels a business to that caliber of an operation. Check it out:

House of Hot Rods & Classics covers all basis of the build process. Each step of the build has its own department of specialists, this accounts for the shop’s sheer work space.

Where specialty shops have the leg up in terms of being a locale’s authority on certain jobs House of Hot Rods has taken that work ethic to the next level by employing the best of the best to address every facet of a project. This allows them to keep the build in-house, mitigate outsourcing costs, and ultimately create lasting relationships with their clients.

Photos Courtesy Of: House of Hot Rods & Classics

Whether it’s fabrication, mechanical, paint and body, powder coating, or upholstery House of Hot Rods highlights its business by having specialists to address your needs. They are also currently looking to expand their staff, check out their job section for more details.380753_10150942059153471_185386031_n

“Our hot rod shop is located on a single nine-acre campus on the southern-edge of metro Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.” Be sure to check out House of Hot Rods & Classics to learn more about their business and stay tuned for more shop stops where Rod Authority shines a light on those who are keeping our timeless culture alive and well.


About the author

Andrew Almazan

Andrew Almazan is a graduate of CSULB with a degree in English and a passion for traditional kustoms and hot rods. His first exposure to out of this world vehicles was through the prevalent low rider, baja bug, and kustom culture of LA county.
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