Showboat Burnouts, Hot Rod Throw Down or Silly Hoonage? You Decide!

As long as nobody is injured and carnage is restricted to tires, machinery or possibly sheet metal, most of us would admit to the guilty pleasure of witnessing displays of barely controlled automotive mayhem. Sometimes however, we can see a story within a story such as can be observed in our feature video above.

What is seen in this video are not only wicked burnouts by two awesome hot rods but also two different attitudes regarding some performance art! The video begins as a bitchin’ white Ford Coupe performs a burnout that rivals any that can be seen at drag racing national events. The Ford’s driver then follows up by turning a dusty donut in the distance for the “ooh and aah” effect. 

Approaching from the opposite direction, an early 50’s vintage Chevy gasser comes into view as it leisurely makes its way towards the crowd of photographers and onlookers. Once it arrives at its chosen location on the road, the gasser’s engine belches a huge roar and what follows is a truly epic tire-shredding display. 

After the initial raging blast of horsepower the Chevy’s pilot finds a perfect balance of engine rpm, traction release point and front-wheel stopping capacity. The result of that situation is a rolling cloud of tire smoke that is reminiscent of those created by the legendary Chi-Town Hustler. Yet during this amazing display of raw horsepower, the gasser remains motionless enough to receive what looks like car-hop service in the road and to strike a pose for close-up photography! And although the Ford Coupe has returned to reclaim its share of attention from the crowd, its presence is completely obscured by the sights and sounds emanating from the Chevy.

Once the smoke clears and the Chevy cooly cruises away from its performance location and exits from the road, the Ford then steps up its show with truly impressive back-to-back burnout and speed exhibitions punctuated with various spin-outs, donuts and figure-eight maneuvers at either end of the designated show-off area. Clearly this was an attempt to one-up on the Chevy’s performance. However, the Chevy’s driver seems unimpressed with the Ford’s display as he again enters the roadway and nonchalantly rides toward the horizon.

So here are the questions that beg to be answered. Which performance style do you identify with? Does the flash and dash make the larger impression on you? Or are you more entertained by the single, epic performance of power and control? And in the end, is the ability to make a hot rod perform this way the reason for building one? Or is this all a ridiculous display of hoonage that gives hot rodding a bad reputation? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

About the author

Paul Lambert

Paul Lambert is an independent writer who grew up during a time in Southern California car culture when big horsepower and high speed were celebrated above all. He now understands that turning, stopping, appearance and comfort are equal in importance...almost! Paul tries to find something likeable and interesting about anything with wheels and thinks that the people, history, and culture of hot rodding are often as important to the story as the cars and events being featured.
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