Slime’s Safety Spair Tire Repair Kit Gets You Back On The Road

Take one look at Slime’s product demonstration and you’ll be hard pressed to leave home without it again. Slime and their line of tire repair products are one of the more recognizable brands that were part of the SEMA Show, as their product line is available at all of the major retail chains across the nation, including Wal-Mart, AutoZone, and NAPA. The folks at Slime performed demonstrations at their booth using a cutaway tire that displayed how their products seal punctures in the tire, while remaining in liquid form to protect against other possible hazards on the road.

One of their most popular products is the Safety Spair Flat Tire Repair System, which is small enough to store in your vehicle at all times and so easy to use, a caveman could do it. The Safety Spair comes as a complete kit that includes a 16 oz. bottle of Slime sealant, the necessary adapters, and an air compressor that’s powered your cars’ cigarette lighter.  This portability makes for a life-saving investment when you’re stuck on the highway in the middle of nowhere with a flat. It takes roughly 7 minutes to inject the sealant into your tire, and unlike other sealants and patches on the market, will inflate your tire to the proper PSI so that you can continue in your travels to your destination without worry of failure or an expensive tire change a few miles down the road. The sealant cartridges are easily replaceable, and are also readily available at auto parts chains. The Safety Spair kit costs around $50, and is essentially priceless when you really need it.

  • Available at major retail chains and auto parts store
  • Injects sealant in just 7 minutes
  • Inflates tire to proper PSI so you can reach your destination
  • Air compressor is powered by your cars cigarette lighter, giving you ultimate portability

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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