Specialty Wheel’s New OE-Style Rallye Wheels

Key to setting up any car, be it a muscle car, a hot rod, a street machine or a Pro-Touring machine is the wheel and tire set up. You can pour thousands of dollars into the powertrain, paint, and interior, but if the car looks goofy on the wheels and tires combo, you’ve got yourself a dud. That’s why Specialty Wheel can be such an asset. If you’re looking to restore your car or give your machine that OE-style look, Specialty Wheels is as good as it gets!

Starting off as a home-garage project, Specialty Wheel started off with founder, Tom Sensabaugh spending evenings refurbishing Magnum 500 rims back in 1983. Today, Specialty Wheel offers wheels for nearly every classic muscle car brand out there, be it Chevrolet, Ford, Oldsmobile, Mopar, Pontiac and Mercury. They also fabricate hot rod “smoothies” and their own series of licensed center caps and beauty rings.

Designed to be “better than original,” each rim and piece – where applicable – is triple chromed in Portland, Oregon. Each rim is hand-built in the United States and is designed to look just like the OE rim, but is designed and built stronger than anything the factory conjured up. Recently at SEMA, Specialty Wheel announced its SS396 and Corvette/Camaro Rallye rims. These are gorgeous recreations of the original and yet, are available in cool custom sizing allowing you to tuck a whole lot more tire.

  • 100% American-made
  • OE-style looks with optional aftermarket sizing
  • Better-than-original build quality and fit and finish
  • Durable, triple-chroming process ensures longevity

About the author

Kevin Shaw

Kevin Shaw is a self-proclaimed "muscle car purist," preferring solid-lifter camshafts and mechanical double-pumpers over computer-controlled fuel injection and force-feeding power-adders. If you like dirt-under-your-fingernails tech and real street driven content, this is your guy.
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