Steve’s POV Checks Out Japan’s #1 Lowrider Club, “Homies”

If you aren’t familiar with the YouTube channel, Steve’s POV, by now, you should watch some of his videos. He’s actually a pretty funny guy, and he’s completely fluent in Japanese as well.

Steve has made plenty of videos in Japan, but this is the only one we’ve seen that involves the lowrider community. As you can see in the video, the Homies Car Club have a very heavy USDM influence, as one would expect from an overseas car car culture–it’s just like the car scene here in the states. Our market is so infested with our own branding and style, that everything we see from overseas car cultures is cool. It’s a vicious cycle, really.

There’s not much information about the Homies car club, but from the video it looks like they’re a bunch of laid back dudes that love to drive and modify classic American cars. At the end of the video, there’s a little clip that shows Steve interviewing one of the guys in the car club, so we’ll do a follow up on that video when it goes live.

It’s somewhat humbling to see that the Japanese take great pride in keeping heavy US influence in their work, as it happens here in the states with other influences quite a bit. Seeing a good amount of Impalas, Chevy Fleetlines, Lincolns and some custom Harley Davidson motorcycles done up so nicely is what makes us want to travel the world and explore the car scene more and more. To check out more of Steve’s videos, hit up his YouTube channel.

About the author

Josh Kirsh

Born in Van Nuys, Raised in Murrieta, Joshua Kirsh is a SoCal Native. With a love for anything on wheels since the ripe young age of two, Joshua Managed to turn his love for automobiles into a career. As Power Automedia's newest writer, he plans to bring you some of the industry's hottest news topics while he's not out in the shop wrenching on some of our badass in-house project builds.
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