Street Feature: A Custom Left Hand Drive ’53 International Harvester


This 1953 International Harvester R110 is a reader submission directly from Scotland. The owner is Thomas McAuley and he’s done a lot of work to this truck since getting it. He’s always liked the International Harvesters going back to his days as a farmer, but now he owns a holiday park. A Holiday Park is similar to what we in the states can an RV park.

This is one good looking truck, inside and out. The upholstery work is amazing.

Thomas brought this international in from the USA and stripped it, undercoated it, and changed it over to right hand drive. It also now features a 350 cubic-inch Chevrolet engine and a complete electrical rewire for reliability. It’s an awesome looking truck and the Small-Block Chevy engine was a wise choice for reliability and ease of acquiring parts. As of right now, it’s also running on stock suspension, but the plan for this coming winter is to put a new suspension system on it for better handling and ride quality.

That Small-Block Chevy was a good addition to this classic farm truck.

Thomas also added disc brakes in the front, the backseat out of an LS Lexus with custom covers featuring the IH logo, new wheels and tires, and what Tomas described as “a very costly paintjob.” The exterior condition is absolutely stunning, and we can clearly see why it would have been expensive. It’s beautiful, and beauty comes at a cost.

Here is what the truck looked like before, and the chassis while Thomas had it stripped down for restoration.

Thomas reached out to us about his awesome International truck. We love seeing what you folks are driving and would love to see more. If you’ve got an awesome car or truck that you’re out there driving, please shoot us an email with a couple pictures and some information and we’ll consider it for our Street Features series.

About the author

Kyler Lacey

A 2015 Graduate from Whitworth University, Kyler has always loved cars. He grew up with his dad's '67 Camaro in the garage and started turning wrenches at a young age. At seventeen, he bought his first classic, a '57 Chevy Bel Air four-door, and has since added a '66 Plymouth Valiant and '97 Cadillac Deville to his collection. When he isn't writing for Power Automedia, he's out shooting pictures at car shows, hiking in the forests of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, or working on something in the garage.
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