Superformance Begins Development Of Vehicles Following NHTSA Rules

The executives at Superformance have a big announcement. The company has been aggressively pursuing the development of cars that can be offered under the new NHTSA rules. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has new rules that permit low volume motor vehicle manufacturers to sell replica cars. These replica cars can resemble vehicles that were produced at least 25 years ago. Superformance also has plans to develop compliant versions of its GT40, Mark II, and III Roadsters, as well as the Corvette Grand Sport. All available for purchase to their customers worldwide.

According to Lance Standers, the CEO of Superformance, “Congress enacted a bill into law during 2015 that streamlined requirements for small automakers, however, implementation was delayed while waiting for NHTSA regulations. Over the past several years, we worked on processes and vehicles that we believe complied. Now that the rules have been issued, we are fast-tracking our plans to sell replica cars that enthusiasts have clamored to own. We’ll work closely with SEMA, engine supplies, and Federal regulators to ensure that we offer exciting vehicles within their framework. The goal is to deliver compliant vehicles by the end of the year.”

The regulation won’t take effect until it has officially been published in the Federal Register. However, low volume vehicle manufacturers will be required to register with the NHTSA, EPA, and CARB before they can sell vehicles. They will also have to submit annual reports on vehicle productions. However, car enthusiasts will still have the option to build a car from a kit, but now they may also purchase a turn-key replica car.

Superformance currently offers a full line of high-performance cars. They are sold as rolling chassis. Each Superformance car can then be configured for either heritage or modern drivetrains. The cars are sold minus the engine and transmission. Everything from the selection of vehicle, purchase of said vehicle, and then the installation of the drivetrain are all the responsibility of the purchaser. Good news though. Orders are now being accepted. For more information make sure you visit

A bit about Superformance

Superformance LLC has been a distributor of complete rolling chassis of both racecar and streetcar replicas, as well as, the continuation of Shelby Cobras since 1994. Superformance products are aesthetically and dimensionally correct and are engineers in the image of some of the most iconic classic sports cars around. All of their vehicles are built under license form trademark holders. These include Ford, Shelby, GM, and SAFIR GT40. This adds an extra layer of authenticity and value to the vehicle.

Superformance has one of the largest specialty car production facilities in the world. They produced and distributed more than 5,500 rolling chassis through 20 different independent dealerships worldwide. The Superformance rolling chassis is completely assembled and ready for the buyer to install any drivetrain of their choice.

Superformance has an owner’s forum and a car registry. Additional information is available on their website or by email at [email protected]. Or you can call them at (800) 297-6253.

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About the author

Laura Lazar

An automotive, photography, history and travel nut. Hanging out coast to coast at car shows and races is her idea of a perfect life. Laura may a small problem with collecting show and project vehicles but her 1st love will always be her 64 Caddy.
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