The MuscleCar Place Podcast: Rushforth Wheels

A sweeeeet 2010 Camaro wearing a set of Rushforth's. Image: Rushforth Wheels

This week’s episode of The MuscleCar Place Podcast is out!

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Jason and Melanie Rushforth

Jason and Melanie Rushforth are the husband and wife dynamic duo behind Rushforth Wheels as well as Jason Rushforth designs. A long time car nut, Jason found it hard to work at a “real” job and decided to make a career out of designing cars for others. He has designed many of the cars on popular newsstand magazines that you know well, has had his creations win awards at SEMA, and is one of the out-of-the-box “hot” designers in play today. His line of Rushforth Wheels is now starting to appear everywhere, especially in the world of Pro Touring. Simply put, Jason’s stuff is cool!

His wife Melanie keeps the entire business growing and running smoothly while handling all of the all of the marketing, social networking, bookkeeping, etc. She’s also at every GoodGuys show they go to all over the Country. Even more impressive, when Melanie moved to Washington (where Jason lives) after her Army career she was working as a Development Director for a non-profit childrens’ dental clinic and getting her PhD as well. Tack that on to helping Jason grow the business and she most definitely had her hands full!

Jason and Melanie enjoy being in business and love cars, but perhaps their favorite is their own 1964 Buick Skylark. They bought it in all original trim locally and started making modification slowly. It’s now powered by an LS2, has a 6-speed, a full setup from Hotchkis Suspension, Baer Brakes, and of course a set of Rushforth Wheels. To date Jason is the only one to autocross it, but starting this year Melanie will be behind the wheel as well.

You can contact Jason and Melanie day or night via

The Rushforth's LS2 powered '64 Buick. Check the wheels!

About the author

Robert Kibbe

Robert Kibbe is the owner of and host of the weekly Muscle Car Place podcast show. He's based in Ames, IA, is married with 3 kids, and still thinks the General Lee is cool.
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