The MuscleCar Place Podcast: Scooter Brothers and COMP Cams

This week’s episode of The MuscleCar Place Podcast is out and features an interview with Scooter Brothers. Scooter is the Co-Owner of the COMP Performance Group and is the Chair Elect to the SEMA Board of Directors!

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Scooter Brothers is a man who has been in love with cars all of his life. He started out as a lot of us do; working under his dad’s direction. When he was just 15 years old, Scooter’s dad “kicked him out of the nest” and sent him to work at the Rambler dealership. He worked there for a few years before moving to a Chevy dealership, but in 1969 he left the dealership to join the Navy. Scooter knew that by joining the Navy directly versus being drafted he would be able to direct what type of duty he would be given and he wanted to continue working on engines. He ended up working on radial engine Grumman S2′s as an aircraft mechanic aboard the U.S.S. Intrepid.

After his stint in the Navy he returned home and went right back to what he loved; cars! He began working on cylinder heads with the struggling Racing Head Service, and in just a few years decided to start Competition Cams with a few other members from RHS. The mission at COMP would be to take a new approach in designing engine components as they would put as much engineering emphasis as possible up front. Computer design was brought into the mix quickly. This method is more commonplace today, but in the mid 1970′s it was revolutionary and as such the quality of COMP products became known quickly! Today Competition Cams is a cornerstone in the industry and the COMP Performance Group is made up of several well know parts companies besides just COMP Cams such as RHS, TCI, and FAST!

Scooter is also the Chair Elect to the Board of Directors for SEMA and it’s his goal to make it known that SEMA has far more to offer than just an annual trade show. SEMA has several programs already implemented to help other businesses in the automotive aftermarket industry, and Scooter would like to see that become more known and used. He’d also like to extend data sharing between the OEM’s and the aftermarket, and continue to keep the SAN (SEMA Action Network) busy in Washington to protect the interest of car guys everywhere!

I genuinely enjoyed my interview with Scooter. When I asked him what he had in the garage he remarked that his favorite car was a little Nash Metropolitan. His dad, a Nash mechanic, would be proud!

About the author

Robert Kibbe

Robert Kibbe is the owner of and host of the weekly Muscle Car Place podcast show. He's based in Ames, IA, is married with 3 kids, and still thinks the General Lee is cool.
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