The SRT Brand Is Going Away, But 2015 300C Will Retain SRT Model

The 2014 SRT 300C

Well, the whole idea of SRT being its own brand is one that sent our minds into a spin. If you haven’t been in the loop here’s basically what happened: The higher ups at Dodge/Chrysler have decided that killing off SRT as a standalone brand would be in the best interest of the company and we tend to agree with them.

While SRT will be killed off as it’s own brand it won’t actually be gone. Instead, the nameplate will just be rolled in to the respective brand of the car receiving SRT treatment. For example, the SRT Viper may once again become the Dodge Viper if all pieces fall as we predict they will. It seems to not make a big difference, but if one goes to Chrysler’s website they’re presented with what is pictured below with no SRT in sight. Yes, they have effectively confused the heck out of us all.

Chrysler’s official website currently has no SRT in sight for 2014. 2015 should bring some changes.

With their new move, we were initially informed that the 300C would no longer have an SRT model, but htey were going to retain the Jeep SRT because it is their flagship. That news alone disappointed many LX platform owners, but we have received good news that the 300C of 2015 will have an SRT model. We presume that it will return to the Chrysler nameplate. The forced and unnecessary move to have SRT stand alone goes hand in hand with some other moves that Chrysler has decided to make (ahem… Ram Trucks). Imagine if an SS “division” broke away from Chevy or if GT500 decided that they no longer belonged under the Ford moniker. While we’ve seen some convoluted business practices out of the automotive giant, we know one thing for certain: even though we sweated it out for a while the SRT 300C is in all odds a lock for 2015. Be on the lookout for more news soon.

About the author

Jesse Kleiber

Jesse is currently a Senior at the University of Delaware and has been a car freak his entire life, probably due to his dad being a mechanic. If he's not at school or writing about cars, he's probably under the hood or behind the wheel of his '00 Corvette.
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