Throwback Thursday: Do-It-Yourself Rust Eradication

It’s hard to believe that another Thursday has already crept-up on us, and is announcing the impending end of another work week. If you’re like me, you’ve already planned what you’ll be working on this weekend. If those plans involve project car to-do-list advancement – let’s just say on rust repair, we can help with that. Once again, we celebrate another editorial look-back, and jump into the way back machine to open the Power Automedia vault that houses our vast collection of articles and revisit another great informational piece.

In this Throwback Thursday, we’re taking a leap back to September 2015. That’s when we jumped head first into fixing a rusted fender so it could be as good as new. We spent the day cutting, grinding, shaping and beating metal, all to show you guys that it can be done at home. So, check out, Do-It-Yourself Rust Eradication.


Find out how to repair Lower Fender Disappearus. Basically, a large rust hole.

There were a lot of images, and our hope was that you could gain a basic understanding of how to properly fix rust on your own car. Sure, you can slather a little body filler or fiberglass matting over the diseased area you found, but we hope that you enjoyed applying it, because you will be doing it again when the rust comes back – and it will. There is only one way to completely stop rust, and that is to eliminate it. Many times, eliminating it means that major surgery will be involved, but sometimes a small repair like the one we’re showing you can be easily handled by the do-it-yourselfer at home.

This is where the fished-quality of the job can be either great, okay, or, "at least I tried".

In the original article, we discuss the shaping of the metal, the cutting the afflicted metal, and how-to neutralize the rust so it does not return. Did you know that you can bend and shape metal by using a socket from your tool box? We show you how we did it. We also give you a few pointers that can help you minimize your finish work.

Rust repair can be a time consuming task, and if you realize how to do it yourself, you can save money by not having to pay someone else to do it for you. For that reason, you really need to check out the original article. You’ll be glad you did. That’s why I thought this a great piece for this week’s Throwback Thursday flashback. To find out how more, check out; Do-It-Yourself Rust Eradication.

About the author

Randy Bolig

Randy Bolig has been working on cars and has been involved in the hobby ever since he bought his first car when he was only 14 years old. His passion for performance got him noticed by many locals, and he began helping them modify their vehicles.
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