Throwback Thursday: Upgrading Your Suspension With QA1

Wow. Here we are once again, it’s time for another Throwback Thursday. The week is almost gone, so let’s do everything we can to make this a great day. For this week’s look back, I thought we would take a short trip to April 2020. That is when we first published, Upgrading Your Suspension In Five Easy Steps With QA1.

The idea for the original article came about during a conversation with QA1’s Marketing Manager, David Kass. That’s when we learned that, while the folks at QA1 see many people take advantage of full-vehicle kits, many opt to build their vehicle in stages, one component at a time. That got us to wondering how buying over time might affect the vehicle handing until all the components have been upgraded.


Although QA1 offers great kits that include everything needed, enthusiasts can also buy parts as the budget allows.

According to David, “This list of upgrades, and the order for which they’re presented, is a result of real-world upgrades performed both by QA1 and many of our customers. While our full-vehicle suspension systems are a one-stop solution, many people opt to upgrade their vehicles one piece at a time. The all-too-common question has been, ‘I can’t do it all, so where should I start?’ We tend to focus on what makes the biggest impact first, and what parts will continue to complement the previous upgrade second, third, fourth, etc.”


Aftermarket control arms are a great way to upgrade your car’s front suspension. For starters, tubular control arms improve your outdated frontend geometry. They will also improve straight-line and cornering ability with increased caster and camber adjustability (approximately 2- to 3-degrees of caster and 0.5 to 1-degree of negative camber), which are better suited for today’s wider wheels and tires.

In the original article, David went on to say, “following a plan of attack in stages like this, can be beneficial in many ways. First, many people have a tight budget, and it’s easier to buy individual parts over time rather than a complete kit. “When people think of upgrading their vehicle in stages like this, we hope they are thinking about having their vehicle down for minimal time between upgrades. If they’re taking on bite-size projects, there is a good chance they can have their vehicle back on the road in a matter of hours instead of days, weeks, or even years.”

There is a lot more interesting and what might seem surprising information in the original article. In fact, it gets in-depth about working on your OE parts to upgrading to new high-performance parts. To learn more, you really need to check out Upgrading Your Suspension In Five Easy Steps With QA1. Check back with us often, as we’ll be sure to bring you more great tech you can use to improve your classic.

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About the author

Randy Bolig

Randy Bolig has been working on cars and has been involved in the hobby ever since he bought his first car when he was only 14 years old. His passion for performance got him noticed by many locals, and he began helping them modify their vehicles.
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