Total Seal Rings Announced As Dirt Late Model Series Title Sponsor

Total Seal Piston Rings waited for the SEMA trade show to make their biggest announcement of the year; effective in 2011, the SouthWest Dirt Racing Association (SWDRA) Super Late Model Series will become the Total Seal Late Model Dirt Racing Series.

Joe Moriarty, CEO of Total Seal Piston Rings, and dirt late model racer, has committed to the racers and tracks supporting the Southwest portion of the United States, that dirt late model racing, specifically the series formerly known as the SouthWest Dirt Racing Association, with Total Seal Piston Rings as the title sponsor.

Moriarty said, “I campaign a Super Late Model series race car, and have personally been involved with SWDRA for some time. After experiencing this exciting series, I wanted to extend the full resources and support of the Total Seal racing family, as well as providing the exposure and credibility Total Seal will bring to this new racing organization. For starters, Total Seal is pledging $8,000 for the points fund for next year. We will also be working diligently at trade shows this winter to enhance and secure a contingency program from many of the leading brands.”

With the trade show season in full force, Moriarty expects several new contingency sponsors to step forward before the start of next season.

The commitment from Total Seal for 2011 has helped the series reach agreements with a couple of racetracks that worked with the SWDRA series.  Canyon Speedway Park in Phoenix and  USA Raceway in Tuscon are already signed on.

The Series is looking to expand into Yuma, Show Low and Prescott Valley as well.

Teddy Martin will be joining the operation as the competition director.

More information about the Total Seal Late Model Dirt Racing Series can be found at

About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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