Tri-Five Nomad/Bel-Air Quarter Window Seals Back After 2 Years!

After a two-year absence (on national backorder for all retailers), H&H Classic Parts announces the return of its popular Quarter Window Seals for the 1955, 1956, and 1957 Tri-Five Nomad and Bel-Air models. These high-quality rubber seals provide a weather barrier for classic car owners. The seals prevent water and air leaks, preserving the vehicle’s interior and ensuring a comfortable ride.

These seals, manufactured in the USA by Metro Molded Parts, fit the curved quarter windows of these iconic vehicles. Moreover, the product addresses a common need for restorers and classic car enthusiasts. Owners of these Tri-Five models often struggle to find quality replacement seals.

These seals fit three specific models. Namely, the 1955 Nomad Bel-Air, the 1956 Nomad Bel-Air, and the 1957 Nomad Bel-Air. This specific compatibility makes it easier for owners to find the correct part. The seals are sold in pairs, providing both sides of the vehicle with a secure seal.

Quarter Window Seals

Product Back In Stock After 2 Years

These quarter window seals are listed under several categories on the H&H Classic Parts’ website. For example, customers can find them under “Classic Tri-Five Parts – Weatherstripping & Rubber Parts – Quarter Window Seals,” “Window Parts – Window Weatherstripping – Quarter Window Seals,” and “Hot New Products – Tri-Five.”

The seals are available for immediate purchase. Each pair of seals weighs two pounds for shipping purposes. The product SKU is 797, and the part number is also 797. The availability of these seals represents a significant benefit to owners of these classic vehicles, especially to those who want to preserve them.

The product’s return provides a valuable resource for the classic car community. H&H Classic Parts recognizes the importance of maintaining these classic vehicles. They work to provide necessary parts to keep these cars on the road.

On top of that, the company also offers a range of other parts for classic car restoration. Customers can visit the H&H Classic Parts’ website or contact their customer service for more information or to place an order.

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