Turbosmart’s New Comp-Gate40 Wastegate Reduces Size By A Quarter

Because a wastegate is essentially the controlling element in a turbocharger system, quality, function, and performance are very much crucial in their design. Here at SEMA, Turbosmart is featuring their newly-released Comp-Gate 40 wastegate – a redesign of an older model that has reduced it’s overall size while increasing it’s ease of maintenance and performance.

With the Comp-Gate40, Turbosmart has completely changed the way wastegates are made, with a new screw-on, locking c-collar design that can be easily taken apart for a quick changing of the the spring. It also sports O-rings, affording tremendous heat capability that will take much higher EGT’s. This new design has been in the works for a year and half.

The new body profile offers superior flow with a compact size with a unique actuator housing design that allows for indexing of the cap in 12 positions. The new, smaller size is designed to fit in tight engine bays, as its over 25% smaller than Turbosmart’s previous offerings. This wastegate unit is suitable for high performance turbocharged vehicles with an external wastegate turbo system.

  • Unique actuator housing design utilizing a screw-on locking ring
  • Optimal flow path through body
  • Small in physical size; only 99mm tall
  • Excellent heat handling characteristics
  • One-peice, coated, stainless steel valve
  • Available in black or blue

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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