Video: 2014シボレーカマロ 2014 Camaro SS 1LE Test Drive

itpullshardMeet Steve. Steve lives in SoCal, loves cars, and has his own YouTube channel with a bunch of videos. So far, that sounds like about a thousand people we know. What makes him different is that he’s a skinny white guy who just happens to speak fluent Japanese…

On it’s own, it wouldn’t be much of a gimmick, but he’s pretty entertaining to watch, as he takes a ride in, then borrows a 2014 Camaro SS 1LE to get the feel for this modern classic. Cars like this are exceedingly expensive to own in Japan, and as a result, for the intended audience, watching a video like this is on par with one starring an Aventador or 458 Italia.

The video is light on technical details, but hits where it counts for the musclecar-crazy Japanese enthusiast – shots of the hulking LS3 under the hood, a big smoky donut, and cruising down the wide-open streets of a California suburb are as exotic there as “Kei” micro cars and the pedestrian-lined streets of Tokyo are to us. It’s a fun cross-pollination of car culture, and it joins several other car enthusiast videos on his channel from both sides of the Pacific.

moonspeakOnce you’ve enjoyed Steve’s take on the 5th Gen Camaro, make sure you check out his video starring the C7 Corvette stingray, too!


About the author

Paul Huizenga

After some close calls on the street in his late teens and early twenties, Paul Huizenga discovered organized drag racing and never looked back, becoming a SFI-Certified tech inspector and avid bracket racer. Formerly the editor of OverRev and Race Pages magazines, Huizenga set out on his own in 2009 to become a freelance writer and editor.
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