Video: Do You Make Your Own Videos? Optima Has A Film Fest For You

As we mentioned to you back in April of this year, the Optima Ultimate Film Festival is upon us, and Optima Batteries is looking for your submission to share with views at the festival. This is the second annual film festival, and the video above is the second trailer for this year.

The deadline for the first event was May 20th, where selected entries were shown at the June 17th Formula Drift event in New Jersey. But if you missed that deadline, there are two more events in which you can submit your video entry to Optima. All short films submitted will be judged, and the selected winners will be a part of the festival at the Woodward Dream cruise in August, or the November SEMA show.

The contest is going on now through July 22nd for the Detroit event, and from July 23rd through September 20th for the Las Vegas event. Even though the second festival is fast approaching, you still have through September 20th to enter your film for the third and final festival this year.

The rules are simple, with two categories to enter: Short Film and Action Cam. Your short film should be seven minutes or less and be shot in a documentary or story-style, focusing on your automotive lifestyle, your car, or the performance aspect of racing. The Action Cam entries should be two minutes or less, and demonstrate a performance vehicle in action using only point-of-view (POV) camera equipment, such as GoPro, Replay, etc.

ouff1These select judges will judge all entries based on the video’s compelling storytelling, authenticity and creativity, respectively. Optima has relayed that enthusiasts should consider the following attributes when submitting their films. “Films should take a unique approach, be grounded in film making and share true individual experiences.”

Selected films for the final event will be shown one evening during the SEMA Show, and will become part of a one-hour broadcast TV special on MAVTV. For more information visit the Optima Ultimate Film Festival website, or you can see a list of FAQs and the full set of rules on separate links from the main page. You can also checkout the film festival’s YouTube channel for last year’s submissions from SEMA 2015.

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About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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